Daily Hope Devotionals - Healthy Living

The Battle for Sexual Purity Starts in Your Mind

Every temptation starts in the mind. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life” (NCV). The battle for sexual purity is won or lost in your mind. Anytime you … Continue reading The Battle for Sexual Purity Starts in Your Mind

Sexual Purity Begins With a Commitment

Is it possible in the 21st century to live a sexually pure life? To refrain from sex before marriage and stay faithful during marriage? Yes! But it has to start with a commitment. The Bible … Continue reading Sexual Purity Begins With a Commitment

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We each must consciously decide to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. We’ll quickly burn out! It’s like a bow and arrow. When a bow is constantly strung … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

You’re Not God—Stop Acting Like It!

You’re not God. You don’t have all the answers. You can’t do everything. If you’re struggling to find balance in your life, those admissions can transform everything. The Bible says, “Only someone too stupid to … Continue reading You’re Not God—Stop Acting Like It!

The Key to a Balanced Life: Jesus

If you want to live a truly balanced life, you can only look at one person in all of history as your model: Jesus. When you put him at the center of your life, your … Continue reading The Key to a Balanced Life: Jesus

Don’t Confuse Your Work and Your Worth

We can come up with many excuses for overworking. Sometimes we blame it on needing to provide for our family. Other times we insist our work is so important that to slow down would be … Continue reading Don’t Confuse Your Work and Your Worth

Just Enough Time to Do God’s Will

In a 21st century world where we’re overworked, overstressed, and over-scheduled, this may be one of the most significant and freeing sentences you’ll ever read: You have just enough time to do God’s will. That … Continue reading Just Enough Time to Do God’s Will

Sometimes the Change Is Gradual

You need more power than just willpower in your life. You need God’s power. The fruit of the Spirit is the qualities that God puts in your life when the Holy Spirit lives in you: … Continue reading Sometimes the Change Is Gradual

Change Is a Choice

It’s not enough to want to change. It’s not even enough to say, “I have a dream of changing.” Dreams are worthless unless you wake up and actually act on them. You’re not going to … Continue reading Change Is a Choice

Learn to Relax in Your Limitations

You’re always going to get discouraged when you try to be a superhero and do more than is humanly possible. You need a more realistic view of yourself: You can’t fix everybody’s problems. You can’t … Continue reading Learn to Relax in Your Limitations