Daily Hope Devotionals - Healing

Devastated, but Not Destroyed

You’re going to go through tough times and experience major losses in life. Why? Because there is no growth without change; there is no change without loss; there is no loss without pain; and there … Continue reading Devastated, but Not Destroyed

Six Ways God Helps You Grieve

You don’t get over a loss. You can’t go under it; you can’t go around it. You’ve got to go through the grief. And if you’re scared to express emotion and refuse to go through … Continue reading Six Ways God Helps You Grieve

God’s Love Is Pursuing You

Yesterday we looked at how God’s goodness follows you in life. In the same verse, King David says God’s unfailing love also pursues you. Picture a parent following a little kid around and picking up … Continue reading God’s Love Is Pursuing You

How God Helps You in Your Grief

Everyone will experience loss. And you don’t just “get over” a loss. You can’t go under it; you can’t go around it. You’ve got to go through the grief. If you’re scared to express emotion … Continue reading How God Helps You in Your Grief

How Jesus Treats His Sheep

Yesterday we looked at how the goodness of God directs and protects you. Today we’ll look at three more benefits of God’s goodness: how he guides, guards, and saves you through Jesus, the Good Shepherd. … Continue reading How Jesus Treats His Sheep

Jesus Protects and Directs You

Sheep are essentially defenseless animals, so a shepherd carries a few tools to care for and protect his sheep. He has a rod for guarding and protecting, and he uses a staff with a little … Continue reading Jesus Protects and Directs You

To Love, You Have to Listen

Listening is probably the most important skill in building friendships and relationships. You can’t love people without listening to them. But sometimes people run into trouble in their relationships when they think hearing and listening … Continue reading To Love, You Have to Listen

Relationships Are a Raincoat in Life’s Storms

Relationships are a raincoat during the storms of life. When friends or family members are going through a storm, you help each other. People committed to one another protect each other in the storm. Ecclesiastes … Continue reading Relationships Are a Raincoat in Life’s Storms

Three Ways Jesus Responds to Your Failure

Failure can be isolating. When you’re in the middle of a failure, you often feel ashamed and just want to be alone. But Jesus is with you always, even in your greatest failure. To help … Continue reading Three Ways Jesus Responds to Your Failure

It’s Good to Grieve Your Failure

When you experience failure, sometimes it feels like you’ll never recover. But you will. Whether you’ve experienced failure in finances, marriage, career, or something else, you can recover. Recovery starts with grieving your failure. Don’t … Continue reading It’s Good to Grieve Your Failure