Daily Hope Devotionals - Happiness

Focus on the Good Times

Paul wrote the book of Philippians to the church that he started in Philippi, where a woman named Lydia opened up her home and, along with others, welcomed Paul to the city. The Philippian church … Continue reading Focus on the Good Times

The More Grateful You Are, the Happier You’ll Be

If you want to have healthy relationships, start with an attitude of gratitude. You will be far happier and enjoy your relationships more if you develop the habit of being grateful for the people in … Continue reading The More Grateful You Are, the Happier You’ll Be

Do You Want to Be Happy? Choose Mercy

God set up the world with universal principles. One of those principles is that the more you help other people, the more you will succeed and the happier you will be. Happiness doesn’t come from … Continue reading Do You Want to Be Happy? Choose Mercy

The Key to a Balanced Life: Jesus

If you want to live a truly balanced life, you can only look at one person in all of history as your model: Jesus. If you put him at the center of your life, your … Continue reading The Key to a Balanced Life: Jesus

Successful People Help the Poor

If you want to live a successful life, the Bible offers some countercultural instruction: Serve the poor! How can serving the poor help us be successful? The Bible gives us numerous reasons why this is … Continue reading Successful People Help the Poor

How to Let the Bible Change You

Let’s imagine together that you want to get serious about your physical health. You buy a book about exercise and tell a friend about it. “It’s going to change my life,” you say. Then six … Continue reading How to Let the Bible Change You

Being Content is a Learning Process

Instead of focusing so much on what we don’t have and what didn’t happen, we can be grateful for what we do have. This doesn’t come naturally to me, probably not for you either, and … Continue reading Being Content is a Learning Process

Love Is a Choice

Love is not a feeling. Love is a choice. Even when you don’t feel like it, you can choose to do it anyway. I once talked with a young mother who felt overwhelmed and was … Continue reading Love Is a Choice

Why ‘Just a Little More’ Will Never Make You Happy

God is far more interested in your character than your comfort. He wants you to grow up and become more like Jesus. His focus is on your attitude, not on making your life easy. He’s … Continue reading Why ‘Just a Little More’ Will Never Make You Happy

To Find Joy, Give Your Life Away

You’ll never find happiness in pleasure, power, possessions, positions, or prestige. You also won’t find it in success, sex, salary, or status. Those are all temporary. Permanent, ongoing happiness only comes when you give your … Continue reading To Find Joy, Give Your Life Away