Daily Hope Devotionals - Happiness

To Get Happiness, Give Your Life Away

Happiness comes from serving and giving your life away. Until you understand this, you’re going to struggle to be happy in your life. Happiness comes from self-sacrifice, not self-gratification.  The Apostle Paul could say that … Continue reading To Get Happiness, Give Your Life Away

Focus on Your Purpose, Not the Problem

When you stay focused on your purpose instead of your problem you can have joy, even when life seems to be falling apart. Paul is an old man when he is in prison in Rome. … Continue reading Focus on Your Purpose, Not the Problem

Make the Choice to Rejoice

When things are falling apart, don’t try to work it out yourself. Let God put the pieces back together. If you’re facing a problem, you’ve got two options: You can worship, or you can worry. … Continue reading Make the Choice to Rejoice

You Don’t Need Someone’s Approval to Be Happy

You can be happy in life if you don’t let other people control your attitude. In Philippians 1:15-17, Paul talks about different kinds of people who are affecting his ministry while he is a prisoner … Continue reading You Don’t Need Someone’s Approval to Be Happy

Trust God and His Bigger, Better Plan

If you want to be a happy person, you need to look at every problem from God’s perspective. Happy people have a larger perspective. They see the big picture. When you don’t see things from … Continue reading Trust God and His Bigger, Better Plan

The More Grateful You Are, the Happier You’ll Be

If you want to have healthy relationships, start with an attitude of gratitude. You will be far happier and enjoy your relationships more if you develop the habit of being grateful for the people in … Continue reading The More Grateful You Are, the Happier You’ll Be

How to Be Patient with People’s Progress

When my kids were little, they would bring pictures to me that they had drawn and say, “What do you think of this, Daddy?” I would tell them, “That’s perfect! It looks great.” When I … Continue reading How to Be Patient with People’s Progress

Positive Prayer Produces Strong Relationships

Paul didn’t just pray for people in his life. He prayed for them with joy!  There are probably things in other people’s lives that you’d like to change. You don’t want to change yourself; you … Continue reading Positive Prayer Produces Strong Relationships

Focus on the Good Times

Paul wrote the book of Philippians to the church that he started in Philippi, where a woman named Lydia opened up her home and, along with others, welcomed Paul to the city. The Philippian church … Continue reading Focus on the Good Times

Are You Ready to Return?

Over the last couple days, we’ve been looking at what people actually lose when they are spiritually lost. Not only do they lose their direction, protection, and potential, but they also lose their happiness. When … Continue reading Are You Ready to Return?