Daily Hope Devotionals - Grief

Move Forward by Faith, Not by Feelings

You need to plant by faith, not by your feelings. Do you think that every day a farmer wakes up excited to go to work on their farm? No. It’s hard work! But if a … Continue reading Move Forward by Faith, Not by Feelings

Let Your Pain Draw You Closer to Others

Suffering changes you. It can turn you away from self-centeredness and toward caring more about other people in pain. One important way you can use your pain for good is to draw closer to others. … Continue reading Let Your Pain Draw You Closer to Others

God Can Handle Your Honesty

You’ve just had an awful setback. You’ve lost a job. You’ve ended a relationship. You’ve failed in some way. What do you next? Do you just grin and bear it? Do you tell God what … Continue reading God Can Handle Your Honesty

Small Steps Are Still Important Steps

Imagine you went into work one day at a job where you’ve dedicated 10 years of your life, and suddenly they tell you, “You’re fired. Sorry!” You would be in shock! You would be paralyzed … Continue reading Small Steps Are Still Important Steps

In Your Grief, Take the First Step to Peace

When people receive bad news, their first response is usually disbelief. We reject the truth because it’s too shocking and painful. We don’t think it’s possible. We can’t accept that it’s real. We think, “It’s … Continue reading In Your Grief, Take the First Step to Peace

What to Do When It Doesn’t Make Sense

Instead of asking God, “Why?” you need to learn to trust God in things you don’t understand.  For 37 chapters in the book of Job, Job asks the “why” questions: “Why is this happening to … Continue reading What to Do When It Doesn’t Make Sense

What Does It Mean to Lament?

Lament is not a word that we use much today—but it’s a practice that is essential to your emotional and spiritual health. What is lament? A lament is a passionate expression of grief to God. … Continue reading What Does It Mean to Lament?

Grief Is a Gift

Grief is, without a doubt, the most painful emotion we go through in life. It’s also the most helpful emotion. How is grief helpful to you? Grief is God’s tool for you to get through … Continue reading Grief Is a Gift

You Know How the Story Ends

One of the most suspenseful TV shows ever was 24. The main character, Jack Bauer, could solve three world catastrophes in every single episode. But I never even watched the show until it went off … Continue reading You Know How the Story Ends

Your Name Is Engraved On God’s Hand

Just like a mother cannot forget her child, God cannot forget you. Have you been abandoned in life by a spouse or a parent? God will never abandon you. Have you been rejected by those … Continue reading Your Name Is Engraved On God’s Hand