Daily Hope Devotionals - God

Ask God for Help with Your Finances

Philippians 4:19 is an amazing and all-encompassing promise regarding provision. Note these two words: “God will.” It doesn’t say, “He might meet your needs.” It says, “He will take care of your needs.” It’s written … Continue reading Ask God for Help with Your Finances

Don’t Miss This Call

If you were told that God was going to call you sometime today, would you be excited or scared? Would you let the call go through to voicemail, or would you answer right away? The … Continue reading Don’t Miss This Call

The Holy Spirit Brings God’s Truth to Mind

God speaks through the Holy Spirit. He gives you thoughts. He gives you suggestions. He puts impressions or notions in your mind. When the Devil talks to you, he tempts you. But when God talks … Continue reading The Holy Spirit Brings God’s Truth to Mind

As You Care for Others, Trust God’s Care for You

Looking out for the needs of others will always require a cost, some sacrifice of time, money, energy, reputation, or privacy. Jesus sacrificed for you, and you become more like Jesus when you sacrifice for … Continue reading As You Care for Others, Trust God’s Care for You

There’s Only One Way to Keep It Real

In a culture that is absolutely obsessed with appearance and image, how in the world do you keep it real when so many other people are faking it? They don’t have integrity. They’re scooting by … Continue reading There’s Only One Way to Keep It Real

How to Stay Hungry for God

Are you hungry for God? It is possible to maintain a spiritual hunger for God for the rest of your life. Here are five ways to sustain a spiritual appetite. Remind yourself how much God … Continue reading How to Stay Hungry for God

Four Ways to Pray Effectively

Today I want to talk to you about four ways to pray effectively, based on the life of Nehemiah: Base your request on God’s character. Pray like you know God will answer you: “I’m expecting … Continue reading Four Ways to Pray Effectively

Trust God’s Wisdom, Not Your Feelings

Have you ever had the feeling that something was so very, very right, but then when you did it, it ended up being so very, very wrong? Feelings lie. They lie to you all the … Continue reading Trust God’s Wisdom, Not Your Feelings

God’s Solution for Our Failures

You and I both blow it from time to time. We don’t have to live with guilt, but we do have to live with our mistakes. The Bible never hides this truth. It is painfully … Continue reading God’s Solution for Our Failures

Encouragement from Heaven to Keep Going

What do you do when you feel like giving up? Everyone has that moment where they’ve been struggling with something—it may be a health issue, a broken relationship, financial problems, or depression—and they start to … Continue reading Encouragement from Heaven to Keep Going