Daily Hope Devotionals - Genesis 6

Listen to the Voice of God, Not the Voices of Doubt

Voices of doubt will try to dissuade, detour, and derail you from you purpose in life. But you must listen to the voice of God, not the voices of doubt. Imagine Noah’s life—building a battleship-sized … Continue reading Listen to the Voice of God, Not the Voices of Doubt

To Reach Your Dream, Dare to Be Different

If you want to fulfill your destiny—if you want to achieve your God-given dream, vision, or ambition—you must dare to be different from your culture. Until you settle this, you’ll never reach your dreams. You … Continue reading To Reach Your Dream, Dare to Be Different

¿Dónde Pasarás la Eternidad?

“Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo único, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna”. Juan 3:16 (NVI) A lo largo de … Continue reading ¿Dónde Pasarás la Eternidad?

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

Over the years, I have encountered people who want to deny the existence of evil. They think that people are basically good and by nature unselfish and that they naturally put the needs of others … Continue reading Where Will You Spend Eternity?