Daily Hope Devotionals - Freedom

God Is Working It All Out

One of the great fears we all face is the fear of the future. We fear for the futures of our families, our friends, our jobs, our communities—and everything else in between. It’s natural. We’re … Continue reading God Is Working It All Out

God’s Answer for Your Fear

I’ve talked to hundreds of people about why they don’t fully trust God. Usually it’s one of three things: People are afraid that if they give their lives fully to God, they’ll lose their freedom, … Continue reading God’s Answer for Your Fear

Broken Heart? The Lord Is Close

We’ve all had our heart broken in some way—maybe by disappointment, fear, shame, rejection, or ridicule. I would say to you, as your friend, that I’m sorry your heart has been broken. I really am. … Continue reading Broken Heart? The Lord Is Close

Why the Forgiven Don’t Have to Fear

Fear is nothing new. It’s been with us from the very beginning! Adam’s first recorded words in the Garden of Eden were, “I was afraid, and I hid.” Humans have been living in fear of … Continue reading Why the Forgiven Don’t Have to Fear

Resurrection Truths That Will Shatter Fear

The Bible is full of commands. But do you know what the most common one is? Don’t be afraid. You’ll find it 365 times in Scripture—including several times in the Easter story. “Don’t be afraid” … Continue reading Resurrection Truths That Will Shatter Fear

The Power of Eternal Thinking

A famous Harvard study once showed a direct connection between long-term thinking and success. It revealed that the more people focus on short-term gain, the more likely they are to fail. Those who focus on … Continue reading The Power of Eternal Thinking

Facing Fear? Change Your Focus

When I was a kid, I didn’t get scared often. I played fearlessly. But whenever I did get scared, I always cried out to my dad. I knew I could depend on him. He was … Continue reading Facing Fear? Change Your Focus

You Have the Power to Say ‘No’

Some people today insist that we should just give in to any desire that comes our way. If it feels good, do it! If it serves you, go for it! If everyone else is doing … Continue reading You Have the Power to Say ‘No’

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

You haven’t been sentenced to a life of frustration and stress. You don’t have to be stuck in your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. God has something far better for you. We all want peace and … Continue reading Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Jesus Took Your Judgment

Do you get it right all the time? Of course you don’t! None of us do. None of us is perfect. There is a lot of pressure in our society to have it all together, … Continue reading Jesus Took Your Judgment