Daily Hope Devotionals - Forgiveness

Forgive Because God Forgave You

We will all be hurt in this life. Many times we’ll be hurt intentionally by what people say about us or what people do to us. In fact, any time we read the word “forgiveness” … Continue reading Forgive Because God Forgave You

Why We Should Respond with Grace

You can’t control much of what happens to you in life. Like I mentioned a few days ago in these devotionals, you can’t control who your parents are, where you were born, and a variety … Continue reading Why We Should Respond with Grace

You Don’t Have to Live with Guilt

God is always ready to give you another chance. That’s a bedrock piece of Christianity. We’ve all been irresponsible. We’ve all screwed up. The Bible tells us, “Not a single person on earth is always … Continue reading You Don’t Have to Live with Guilt