Daily Hope Devotionals - Forgiveness

God’s Solution for Our Failures

You and I both blow it from time to time. We don’t have to live with guilt, but we do have to live with our mistakes. The Bible never hides this truth. It is painfully … Continue reading God’s Solution for Our Failures

God Loves You Anyway

Your failures don’t surprise God. He expects them. He knows what we’re made of—because he created us. The Bible says, “God knows what we are made of; he remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14 … Continue reading God Loves You Anyway

Jesus Came to Help Hurting People

You can’t read through the Gospels without seeing how much Jesus cared about hurting people. Just look at how he preached. He always started with a hurt—poverty, blindness, brokenness, imprisonment. You can tell a lot … Continue reading Jesus Came to Help Hurting People

What Happens When You Do What You Know Is Wrong?

The Bible says in Proverbs 10:9, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out” (NIV). You will be found out! So when making decisions, you need the integrity … Continue reading What Happens When You Do What You Know Is Wrong?

The World Does Not Revolve around You

There’s an old proverb that says, “Seek to understand before seeking to be understood.” The Bible talks about this as well: “Look out for one another’s interests, not just for your own” (Philippians 2:4 GNT). … Continue reading The World Does Not Revolve around You

Three Reasons You Must Learn to Forgive

Forgiveness isn’t easy. It can be one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make. But you’ll never have the life God wants for you unless you can forgive the people who have hurt you. Here … Continue reading Three Reasons You Must Learn to Forgive

Breaking Free from Unforgiveness

God will place opportunities in front of you, doors only you can open. But you can’t step through them if you harbor unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is a prison. Let me share a story with you that … Continue reading Breaking Free from Unforgiveness

You’ve Got to Let Yourself Grieve

Every change we experience in life includes loss, because you give up something old to get something new. And there’s no loss without pain, and there is no pain without grief. Grief is not bad. … Continue reading You’ve Got to Let Yourself Grieve

There’s Only One Way to Get Rid of Guilt

Every one of us has a good reason to feel guilt. No one does everything right! We hurt other people. We act selfishly. Often the most unkind things we say are to the people we … Continue reading There’s Only One Way to Get Rid of Guilt

God Wants to Make the Bitter in Your Life Better

We’re all broken people. We’re all imperfect. Sometimes we hurt each other intentionally or unintentionally. Life isn’t fair. Innocent people suffer. Everyone has experienced unfair or prejudicial treatment in some way. How do you respond … Continue reading God Wants to Make the Bitter in Your Life Better