Daily Hope Devotionals - Family

Love Is a Choice

Love is not a feeling. Love is a choice. Even when you don’t feel like it, you can choose to do it anyway. I once talked with a young mother who felt overwhelmed and was … Continue reading Love Is a Choice

Leave a Great Example Instead of a Big Inheritance

Have you ever heard about the death of a wealthy person and thought, “I wonder how much they left behind”? Here’s a little secret: They left it all! Ecclesiastes 5:15 says, “We leave this world … Continue reading Leave a Great Example Instead of a Big Inheritance

You Can Count on People of Integrity

The Bible says people who don’t follow through on their commitments are like clouds that never produce the benefit of rain. If you’re a person of integrity, you keep your word. When you say you’ll … Continue reading You Can Count on People of Integrity

Your Kids Need You to Be Their Cheerleader

The world is so negative that the last thing kids need when they come home is more negativity. Colossians 3:21 says, “Do not nag your children. If you are too hard to please, they may … Continue reading Your Kids Need You to Be Their Cheerleader

Trust Your Kids with Responsibility

Kids need experiences that stretch them, reveal their talents, and develop their lives for ministry. They need challenges where they develop responsibility. One of the most important life skills all of us have to learn … Continue reading Trust Your Kids with Responsibility

Celebrate with Your Kids!

Kids need celebration! That’s just a fancy word for fun. Families ought to have fun! The home should be a place to play. This is a major fault in many, many homes where the parents … Continue reading Celebrate with Your Kids!

Your Kids Need Your Compassion

If you want to know how to be a good parent and build a strong family, you don’t have to look online or go to a bookstore. Look no further than the greatest book ever … Continue reading Your Kids Need Your Compassion

Your Lasting Identity Comes from God’s Family

Much of our identity is based upon our relationships. I’m a grandson. I’m a son. I’m a husband. I’m a grandfather. I’m a team member. I’m a small group member. I’m a pastor. I’m an … Continue reading Your Lasting Identity Comes from God’s Family

Leave a Legacy of Hospitality

Awesome families teach their kids that they’re not the center of the universe. They teach their kids that God made them and shaped them for a mission. They model dedication, service, generosity, and prayer. Average … Continue reading Leave a Legacy of Hospitality

Relationships Are Your Raincoat in the Storm

Relationships are a raincoat during the storms of life. No matter which of our friends or family members are going through a storm, we have to help each other. People committed to one another protect … Continue reading Relationships Are Your Raincoat in the Storm