Daily Hope Devotionals - Faithfulness

What You Believe Shapes Your Life

What we believe about the world around us shapes everything about our lives. Why? Because what you believe determines your behavior. Your behavior then determines what you become, and that has a direct effect on … Continue reading What You Believe Shapes Your Life

You’re Not Alone in the Waiting Room

When you’re waiting on God, remember that you’re in good company. Millions of saints before you have sat in God’s waiting room. You’re not alone! In fact, if you’re in the waiting room right now—maybe … Continue reading You’re Not Alone in the Waiting Room

Your Generosity Grows Your Influence

Generosity expands your influence. The more generous you become, the more influential you will become. Influence comes not from what you get in life. Influence comes from what you give away in life, and the … Continue reading Your Generosity Grows Your Influence

Reliable People Get Promoted

The greatest compliment a boss can pay you is, “I’m not worried,” because it says that you are reliable, trustworthy, and steady. They can count on you. Genesis 39:6 says, “So Potiphar gave Joseph complete … Continue reading Reliable People Get Promoted

God Uses Your Work to Develop Your Character

The book of Genesis tells the story of a man named Joseph. God gave Joseph a vision of becoming a great leader, but for 40 years he lived and worked as a slave, and for … Continue reading God Uses Your Work to Develop Your Character

How God Tests You and Then Blesses You

Faithful people are generous, even when they don’t have anything to give. Anybody can be generous when they have a surplus. You can be generous with your time when you’ve got a lot of extra … Continue reading How God Tests You and Then Blesses You

It’s Too Soon to Quit

Do you know the difference between faithful people and unfaithful people? Unfaithful people give up at the first sign of difficulty. Faithful people keep on keeping on. Faithful people are determined, diligent, persistent. They don’t … Continue reading It’s Too Soon to Quit

Faithful People Serve Others

God uses your talents to test your unselfishness. You have to decide in life who or what you’re going to live for. You’re either going to live a self-centered, miserly life or you’re going to … Continue reading Faithful People Serve Others

The Little Things Count

God uses little things to test your integrity. It’s not just the big things that count—even though that’s what the world wants you to focus on. But the Bible tells us that God is looking … Continue reading The Little Things Count

Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World

Your witness to the world will come out of your weaknesses, not your strengths. A lot of people have it backwards: They think the world is impressed by Christians’ prosperity. That doesn’t impress the world. … Continue reading Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World