Daily Hope Devotionals - Exodus 20

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We each must consciously decide to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. We’ll quickly burn out! It’s like a bow and arrow. When a bow is constantly strung … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

What Does a Sabbath Look Like?

The Bible is filled with instructions about living the kind of healthy life God made you to live. Exodus 20:9-10 says, “You have six days in which to do your work, but the seventh day … Continue reading What Does a Sabbath Look Like?

Work Six Days, and Then Rest

In the Bible, a day of rest is called Sabbath. It’s when you take a day off from work—not just from your job but from any kind of work. God didn’t make the Sabbath for … Continue reading Work Six Days, and Then Rest

It’s Okay to Rest

Many people don’t see the value in getting enough rest. But God knows that, without proper rest, you’ll struggle to be who he wants you to be. Rest is so important to God that he … Continue reading It’s Okay to Rest

What’s at the Center of Your Life?

God wants to be at the very center of your life. He doesn’t want to be on the edge of your life, and he doesn’t want to be just a segment of your life. The … Continue reading What’s at the Center of Your Life?

People Pleasing Is Idolatry

In life, you have to please only one person: your Creator. You only have to please the Lord, the one who made you and has a purpose for your life. That simplifies life enormously! Jesus … Continue reading People Pleasing Is Idolatry

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We each must consciously decide to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. I make a deliberate decision about how many hours I’ll work each week, and I stick … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

Is Something Other Than Christ Controlling Your Life?

The Bible is full of wisdom for decision-making. In 1 Corinthians 6:12, Paul says, “‘All things are lawful for me,’ but I will not be dominated by anything” (ESV). When deciding whether to allow something … Continue reading Is Something Other Than Christ Controlling Your Life?

Work Six Days, and Then Rest

Rest and recreation are so important that God put it in the “Big 10”—right up there with not committing adultery, not murdering, and not stealing. You’d say, “Well, I’d never murder anybody. I’d never commit … Continue reading Work Six Days, and Then Rest

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We all must make a conscious decision to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. I make a conscious decision about how many hours I’ll work each week, and … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?