Daily Hope Devotionals - Ecclesiastes 11

Five Things to Do While You Wait

Do you ever feel like you’re waiting on God? Maybe you can’t relate to the Israelites, who wandered in the desert for 40 years while they were waiting on God to deliver them. But you … Continue reading Five Things to Do While You Wait

Six Steps for Wise Decision-Making

In this series, we’re learning how God takes us through the Six Phases of Faith—a dream, decision, delay, difficulty, dead end, and deliverance—over and over again throughout our lives to grow our faith and develop … Continue reading Six Steps for Wise Decision-Making

Move Fast to Do Good and Accept Salvation

We’ve talked for the last couple of days about when to move fast in response to God’s Spirit. Here’s what we’ve said so far: Obey quickly when God tells you to do something. Move fast … Continue reading Move Fast to Do Good and Accept Salvation

Families Should Be Fun

It’s the first common denominator of great families: Awesome families are playful. They know how to have fun. They enjoy life together. They know how to play. This is the missing ingredient in so many … Continue reading Families Should Be Fun

God Blesses What You Bring Him

Whatever you give to God, he multiplies. If you give God your talent, he’ll multiply your talent. If you give God your energy, he’ll multiply your energy. If you give God your money, he will … Continue reading God Blesses What You Bring Him

Every Day God Gives Opportunities to Help Others

Every day God gives you opportunities to show kindness to people around you. As he does, he’s watching to see how you’ll respond. Will you choose to be self-centered? Or will you notice the people … Continue reading Every Day God Gives Opportunities to Help Others

Move Fast to Do Good

We’ve talked for the last couple of days about when to move fast in response to God’s Spirit. Here’s what we’ve said so far: Obey quickly when God tells you to do something. Move fast … Continue reading Move Fast to Do Good

Celebrate with Your Kids!

Kids need celebration! That’s just a fancy word for fun. Families ought to have fun! The home should be a place to play. This is a major fault in many, many homes where the parents … Continue reading Celebrate with Your Kids!

Stop Waiting for Things to Settle Down

The most important word you can learn in time management is “no.” Every time you say no, you save yourself a whole lot of time. But here’s a phrase that’s also good time management: “Do … Continue reading Stop Waiting for Things to Settle Down

Face Your Fears So You Can Get Something Done

Fear is at the root of all of your indecision—fear that you’ll make a mistake, that you’ll fail, that you’ll embarrass yourself, that you’ll make a commitment you can’t keep, that somebody will laugh at … Continue reading Face Your Fears So You Can Get Something Done