Daily Hope Devotionals - Dreams

Faith Stretches Your Imagination

Imagine the greatest things that could happen in your life. Whatever you imagine, God can outdo it! The Bible says in Ephesians 3:20, “Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By … Continue reading Faith Stretches Your Imagination

You’re Called to Become Like Christ

Most of us had big dreams when we were young. We wanted to become something great. Maybe it was a baseball player or a ballerina or the president. For most of us, that dream looks … Continue reading You’re Called to Become Like Christ

Your Greatest Dream Is Still Possible

You’re capable of far more than you understand right now. You just need someone to believe in you. I have good news for you: Someone already does. When someone believes in you unconditionally, as God … Continue reading Your Greatest Dream Is Still Possible

Take Four Steps to Defeat Your Giants

How do you defeat the giants that are keeping you from being the woman God wants you to be? How do you defeat the fears that keep you from being the man God wants you … Continue reading Take Four Steps to Defeat Your Giants

The Giants That Stand Between You and Great Faith

Before David faced Goliath in 1 Samuel, he actually had to fight four other giants. They weren’t physical giants, but they were giants in his mind. You are far more likely to have to face … Continue reading The Giants That Stand Between You and Great Faith

Face Your Fears So You Can Get Something Done

Fear is at the root of all of your indecision—fear that you’ll make a mistake, that you’ll fail, that you’ll embarrass yourself, that you’ll make a commitment you can’t keep, that somebody will laugh at … Continue reading Face Your Fears So You Can Get Something Done

Got a Dream? Now Make a Decision.

When God gives you a dream for your life, your eyes suddenly open up to see what he wants to do in and through you. You begin to understand that you’re not just here on … Continue reading Got a Dream? Now Make a Decision.