Daily Hope Devotionals - Dreams

Is It Your Dream or God’s Dream?

How do you know if you are living for your dream or God’s dream? You may think you were created to get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed, to … Continue reading Is It Your Dream or God’s Dream?

Dream Big Because You Have a Big God

God’s dream for your life is exponentially bigger than any dream you could come up with. Why? Because it’s eternally significant. There are a lot of dreams you could have that may seem big, but … Continue reading Dream Big Because You Have a Big God

How To Trust God for Your Big Dream

If you want to make it in a career, you have to respectfully show audacity. Sometimes following God’s dream for your life requires audacity too! Audacity is the courage to think big, to show initiative, … Continue reading How To Trust God for Your Big Dream

Trusting God Through the Six Stages of Faith

Have you ever been in a hurry when God wasn’t? It’s never easy to sit in God’s waiting room, where you’re waiting for something from God. Nothing we do will help the answer to our … Continue reading Trusting God Through the Six Stages of Faith

A Bold Faith Takes Risks

What does it mean to have bold faith? It means taking risks. The Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6 NIV). You see an example of taking risks in the … Continue reading A Bold Faith Takes Risks

In Your Grief, Take the First Step to Peace

When people receive bad news, their first response is usually disbelief. We reject the truth because it’s too shocking and painful. We don’t think it’s possible. We can’t accept that it’s real. We think, “It’s … Continue reading In Your Grief, Take the First Step to Peace

When You’re at a Dead End, God Can Deliver You

In this series, we’re learning how God takes us through the Six Phases of Faith—a dream, decision, delay, difficulty, dead end, and deliverance—over and over again throughout our lives to grow our faith and develop … Continue reading When You’re at a Dead End, God Can Deliver You

Great Dreams Require Great Faith

Dreaming plays an essential role in developing your faith and helping you become the kind of person God made you to be. There’s an important connection between dreaming and believing, between your imagination and your … Continue reading Great Dreams Require Great Faith

Hold on for God’s Blessing

When God blessed Jacob, he promised to give him land, multiply his family, make him a mighty nation, and use him to bless the world. He made Jacob and his family God’s chosen people. But … Continue reading Hold on for God’s Blessing

Real Change Requires Faith

For the last few days we’ve looked together at how to achieve real change in your life. Real change requires knowing God’s truth, cleaning your spiritual house, and honest community. And, like anything to do … Continue reading Real Change Requires Faith