Daily Hope Devotionals - Dependence

Do You Have a Safety Net?

As a pastor, I have seen so many situations that nobody should ever have to go through alone. Nobody should ever have to wait in the hospital while a loved one is in life-or-death surgery. … Continue reading Do You Have a Safety Net?

Working Together, We Can Accomplish More

God put you on Earth to do a certain work that only you can do. Ephesians 2:10 says that you were “created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for … Continue reading Working Together, We Can Accomplish More

In Tough Times, Cling to Christ

When life feels overwhelming or chaotic, it can be hard to know what to hold on to. But there’s one thing that never changes and is always trustworthy: God’s unchanging character. No matter what is … Continue reading In Tough Times, Cling to Christ

Let God Be Your Defender

You’ll always have people in your life who misunderstand you and don’t like you. Others will criticize you, judge you, attack you, and spread rumors about you. In all of these circumstances, your natural tendency … Continue reading Let God Be Your Defender

How to Trust God in a Season of Waiting

The Bible is clear that you’ll go through different seasons in life. One season that God talks about over and over is the season of waiting. But you can trust that while you’re waiting, God … Continue reading How to Trust God in a Season of Waiting

Weakness Can Be a Good Thing

Are you tired? Maybe you’re running on steam, and at the end of each day, you’ve run out of energy. The reason why is really simple: You’re a human being. Your strength is limited. But … Continue reading Weakness Can Be a Good Thing

Get Rid of Your Stress by Giving Up Control

If you’re living life on overload, here’s one reason why: You’re trying to control too much. You think it all depends on you. You believe things like, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me. … Continue reading Get Rid of Your Stress by Giving Up Control

Keep Your Eyes on the Light

A common source of stress is loss. You can lose your job, your health, your money, your reputation, or a loved one. And when you add all the other challenges you have in life, it … Continue reading Keep Your Eyes on the Light

Trust Jesus One Day at a Time

There are two days you should never worry about: yesterday and tomorrow. Jesus said, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34 … Continue reading Trust Jesus One Day at a Time

Real Change Requires Faith

For the last few days we’ve looked together at how to achieve real change in your life. Real change requires knowing God’s truth, cleaning your spiritual house, and honest community. And, like anything to do … Continue reading Real Change Requires Faith