Daily Hope Devotionals - Dependence

Can You Really Count on God?

For most of us, the reason we don’t trust God fully with our lives is because we really don’t know him. We usually don’t trust people we don’t know. The same is true with God. … Continue reading Can You Really Count on God?

If You Know It, Then Do It

Yesterday, we looked at Mark 12:30: “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (NLT). One way to look at this verse is to focus on loving … Continue reading If You Know It, Then Do It

How to Love God With All of You

One way to look at today’s verse is to focus on loving God with all your talk, all your feelings, all your thinking, and all your behavior. God shaped you to be primarily a talker, … Continue reading How to Love God With All of You

Facing Fear? Change Your Focus

When I was a kid, I didn’t get scared often. I played fearlessly. But whenever I did get scared, I always cried out to my dad. I knew I could depend on him. He was … Continue reading Facing Fear? Change Your Focus

Learn to Relax in Your Limitations

You’re always going to get discouraged when you try to be a superhero and do more than is humanly possible. You need a more realistic view of yourself: You can’t fix everybody’s problems. You can’t … Continue reading Learn to Relax in Your Limitations

How We Learn from Pain

There are some things we only learn through pain—and sometimes it’s through the pain of other people. It’s wise to learn from your own experiences, but it’s wiser to learn from the experiences of others—and … Continue reading How We Learn from Pain

You Need a More Powerful Light

We all have dark days. There are dark days of disappointment when your dreams crumble and your plans fall apart. There are dark days when you’re stressed out by finances or relationships, dark days of … Continue reading You Need a More Powerful Light

What to Do When You Start to Worry

You may not hear the word “fret” much anymore. It’s an older word that just means “worry.” When you fret, you get stressed out, anxious, and impatient. You worry because things are either happening too … Continue reading What to Do When You Start to Worry

You Need the Support of a Small Group

If I were to ask you to complete this sentence, “If you want a job done right . . .” you would probably finish it with this: “. . . do it yourself.” But that’s … Continue reading You Need the Support of a Small Group

Jesus Wants to Share Your Load

Are you feeling overloaded? You may be trying to control things too much. We do it all the time, sometimes without realizing it. Even when we don’t try to, we act subconsciously as if it … Continue reading Jesus Wants to Share Your Load