Daily Hope Devotionals - Connection

You Learn Your Purpose Through Relationships

We only learn who we are in relationship. We only learn our true identity in community. You’ll never learn who you really are by yourself. You only learn it in relationships. That means you must … Continue reading You Learn Your Purpose Through Relationships

The Best Use of Your Deepest Pain

When you’re going through pain, you can choose to focus on yourself or on other people. When you choose to focus on serving other hurting people, that’s called redemptive suffering. It is the highest and … Continue reading The Best Use of Your Deepest Pain

Your Sin Is Never Private

Sin may be secret, but it’s never private. It will either come out now, here on earth, or at Judgment Day, but it’s going to be known. Numbers 32:23 is one of the scariest verses … Continue reading Your Sin Is Never Private

Five First Steps to Building a Life of Love

I’ve been on this earth for a while now, and I’m still convicted by God about how little I really know about love. The fact is, we all have a lot of growing to do … Continue reading Five First Steps to Building a Life of Love

You Can’t Connect If You Don’t Commit

Good relationships don’t happen by accident. They take cultivation, work, and a lot of time. They take commitment! I can’t count the number of times my wife Kay and I have felt like walking out … Continue reading You Can’t Connect If You Don’t Commit

Is Gossip Destroying Your Relationships?

We tend to think of gossip as one of those “little” sins. But when God talks about gossip, he puts it on the list with things like sexual immorality and murder. Why? Because it is … Continue reading Is Gossip Destroying Your Relationships?

Use Your Words to Build Others Up

Sometimes our words are like a sledgehammer. We swing away without thinking, and suddenly we look around and realize a pile of relational rubble surrounds us. When you thoughtlessly sling your words around and tear … Continue reading Use Your Words to Build Others Up

The World Does Not Revolve Around You

Everything in our society conditions us to think of ourselves first. But the Bible says, “Look out for one another’s interests, not just for your own” (Philippians 2:4 GNT). That is such a countercultural verse. … Continue reading The World Does Not Revolve Around You

Three Things Fear Does to Relationships

If you want to connect with someone, you need to be willing to take the first step. This often requires courage. Why? Because it’s fear that disconnects human beings. When we’re full of fear and … Continue reading Three Things Fear Does to Relationships

You’re Significant in the Body of Christ

In the Bible, the church is often called the “body of Christ.” What Jesus Christ did when he was here in his physical body, he wants his followers to continue to do today. We are … Continue reading You’re Significant in the Body of Christ