Daily Hope Devotionals - Conflict

Your Ministry of Reconciliation

When you want to repair a relationship where there is conflict, you want to focus on reconciliation, not resolution. There’s a big difference! Reconciliation means reestablishing the relationship. It doesn’t mean you’ll remarry your ex … Continue reading Your Ministry of Reconciliation

You Can Worry or You Can Worship

Christianity is not for weaklings, wimps, or the faint of heart. It takes courageous men and women to follow Jesus. Believers around the world are suffering in terrible ways that most of us will never … Continue reading You Can Worry or You Can Worship

Remember This When You’re Opposed

When you feel pressured by the world because you love Jesus and other people don’t, you want to remember three things: Opposition can make you more like Jesus. Jesus said in John 15:18-19, “If the … Continue reading Remember This When You’re Opposed

For Conflict Resolution, Switch Your Focus

When you approach someone to resolve a conflict, you first have to confess your part of the problem. Then, you need to listen for the other person’s hurt and perspective. We think we argue over … Continue reading For Conflict Resolution, Switch Your Focus

Take a Good Look at Your Blind Spots

One of the most important life skills that you have to learn is conflict resolution. If you don’t, you’re going to spend a lot of your life miserable, because we’re imperfect people, and we have … Continue reading Take a Good Look at Your Blind Spots

Let Go, and Know God Is in Control

Every day, you have to decide who’s going to be in control of your life: you or God. That choice is a battle. There are things in your life that you want to control. You … Continue reading Let Go, and Know God Is in Control

Peace with People Follows Peace with God

When you have conflict, focus on reconciliation, not resolution. There’s a big difference between those two words. Reconciliation means re-establishing the relationship. Resolution means resolving every issue. In most cases, resolution isn’t going to happen—there … Continue reading Peace with People Follows Peace with God

Fix the Problem, Not the Blame

You only have a certain amount of emotional energy. When you’re trying to resolve conflict, you can use that energy either to fix the blame or to fix the problem. You don’t have enough energy … Continue reading Fix the Problem, Not the Blame

Courageous People Resolve Conflict

God wants you to live at peace with everyone. Why? Because unresolved conflict has three devastating effects in life. First, it blocks your fellowship with God. When you’re out of harmony with others, you can’t … Continue reading Courageous People Resolve Conflict

The Cost of Anger

When someone is angry with you, it’s easy to show anger in return. But before you allow yourself to get mad back, calculate what you’re going to lose. Calculate the cost of anger. The Bible … Continue reading The Cost of Anger