Daily Hope Devotionals - Commandments

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We each must consciously decide to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. We’ll quickly burn out! It’s like a bow and arrow. When a bow is constantly strung … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

Discover the Right Motivation for Obedience

Jesus said in John 15:14, “You are my friends if you do what I command” (NLT). You can’t say you love Jesus and then go live like the devil. You can’t say you’re a Christian … Continue reading Discover the Right Motivation for Obedience

How Family Members Help Each Other Grow

One of the marks of an awesome family—whether it’s your biological family, your adoptive family, or your church family—is that you help each other grow. But how do you do that? Let me give you … Continue reading How Family Members Help Each Other Grow

People Pleasing Is Idolatry

In life, you have to please only one person: your Creator. You only have to please the Lord, the one who made you and has a purpose for your life. That simplifies life enormously! Jesus … Continue reading People Pleasing Is Idolatry

Delayed Obedience Is Disobedience

The Bible is full of life instructions. They’re called the commands of God. He expects you to obey his commands right away, and he expects you to obey them fully. Imagine if a parent tells … Continue reading Delayed Obedience Is Disobedience

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We each must consciously decide to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. I make a deliberate decision about how many hours I’ll work each week, and I stick … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

How Family Members Help Each Other Grow

If one of the marks of an awesome family—whether it’s your biological family, your adoptive family or your church family—is that you help each other grow, then how do you do that? Let me give … Continue reading How Family Members Help Each Other Grow

The Right Motivation to Obey God

Jesus said in John 15:14, “You are my friends if you do what I command” (NLT). You can’t say you love Jesus and then go live like the devil. You can’t say you’re a Christian … Continue reading The Right Motivation to Obey God

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We all must make a conscious decision to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. I make a conscious decision about how many hours I’ll work each week, and … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?