Daily Hope Devotionals - Character

Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World

Your witness to the world will come out of your weaknesses, not your strengths. A lot of people have it backwards: They think the world is impressed by Christians’ prosperity. That doesn’t impress the world. … Continue reading Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World

You Don’t Always Need Sunshine to Grow

It’s possible to grow during times of bright, fair weather—but you put down deeper roots during the dark days of life. As a pastor, I heard from countless people who said they had grown more … Continue reading You Don’t Always Need Sunshine to Grow

Failure Can Be Good for You

We usually think of failure as negative. But wise people know how to take advantage of failure. They learn from it. They use it as an education. One of your purposes in life is to … Continue reading Failure Can Be Good for You

How God Uses Tough Times

You are never a failure until you quit, and it’s always too soon to quit. God uses tough times to test your persistence. The difference between faithful people and unfaithful people is that unfaithful people … Continue reading How God Uses Tough Times

How Does God Respond to Your Generosity?

I heard a story about a man who took his son to McDonald’s and bought him super-size French fries. On the way home, he reached over and took one little French fry and ate it. … Continue reading How Does God Respond to Your Generosity?

How to Become a Trustworthy Person

Trust is the emotional glue that draws you closer to your friends, your family, and your small group. Without trust, you’re never going to have the intimate relationship that God wants you to have. Teamwork … Continue reading How to Become a Trustworthy Person

How to Pray for Spiritual Growth

Paul wrote about a prayer warrior in Colossians 4:12: “Epaphras . . . always prays for you that you will grow to be spiritually mature” (NCV). Epaphras is a hero to me. I don’t know … Continue reading How to Pray for Spiritual Growth

The Right Question to Ask When You’re in Pain

When life becomes really hard, most people will eventually ask, “Why is this happening to me?” But that’s the wrong question to ask when things get dark. Instead, try asking, “God, what’s your purpose in … Continue reading The Right Question to Ask When You’re in Pain

Do You Act the Same in Public and In Private?

Are you working to build your life on values that last? If you are, you need to learn to live with integrity. The Bible says in Matthew 5:8, “God blesses those whose hearts are pure, … Continue reading Do You Act the Same in Public and In Private?

How God Uses Grief to Help You Grow

Grief, loss, and pain are inevitable parts of life. But did you know that God uses these things to help you grow? He does it in three ways. First, God uses pain to get your … Continue reading How God Uses Grief to Help You Grow