Daily Hope Devotionals - Building My Life on Values That Last

Not Trusting God Leads to Stress

Everyone trusts something. The question is, in what—or in whom—do you place your trust? Our society tends to spurn trust—or at least we say we do. We’re skeptical of everyone and everything. We don’t trust … Continue reading Not Trusting God Leads to Stress

Are You Ready to Respond Responsibly?

Some of the clearest evidence of maturity and responsibility in your life is when you can handle the pressures, problems, and pains of life without becoming angry. The key to responsibility is learning to control … Continue reading Are You Ready to Respond Responsibly?

Make a Plan to Manage Your Money

As a pastor for 42 years, I spoke with many couples who struggled in their marriage and were even going through a separation. And I can tell you that the number one reason couples get … Continue reading Make a Plan to Manage Your Money

You’re Responsible for What Fills Your Mind

Our minds control everything else about us. Our thoughts influence our feelings. And our feelings impact our actions. What you think matters, because everything starts in the mind. To be a responsible person, you have … Continue reading You’re Responsible for What Fills Your Mind

Responsible People Make the Most of Life

You and I have a variety of great abilities. For some of us it’s the ability to do math; for others it’s the ability to fix computers or to sew. We all have abilities—even if … Continue reading Responsible People Make the Most of Life

What You Believe Shapes Your Life

What we believe about the world around us shapes everything about our lives. Why? Because what you believe determines your behavior. Your behavior then determines what you become, and that has a direct effect on … Continue reading What You Believe Shapes Your Life