Daily Hope Devotionals - 2 Corinthians 6

When God Gives You a Second Chance, Seize It

When God gives you another chance to fulfill your mission in life, seize it. Don’t waste it. It’s the time to focus on God’s unique calling for your life. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 6:1, … Continue reading When God Gives You a Second Chance, Seize It

Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World

Your witness to the world will come out of your weaknesses, not your strengths. A lot of people have it backwards: They think the world is impressed by Christians’ prosperity. That doesn’t impress the world. … Continue reading Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World

Turn Your Pain into a Testimony

We often think that the world is impressed with our success and how we enjoy our prosperity. But they’re actually more impressed by how we as Christians handle adversity. When you’re going through pain, non-believers … Continue reading Turn Your Pain into a Testimony

Why You Need to Be Open About Your Pain

Do you want to help people who are in pain? Then you need to be willing to share how your own pain got your attention. Pain is a warning light that tells us something is … Continue reading Why You Need to Be Open About Your Pain

Move Fast to Do Good and Accept Salvation

We’ve talked for the last couple of days about when to move fast in response to God’s Spirit. Here’s what we’ve said so far: Obey quickly when God tells you to do something. Move fast … Continue reading Move Fast to Do Good and Accept Salvation

Your Timing Is Everything

In many aspects of your life—from business decisions to your closest relationships—timing can make all the difference. And, as a follower of Christ, its critical for you to stay tuned in to God’s timing. Every … Continue reading Your Timing Is Everything

Settle Your Salvation Today

When the criminal hanging next to Jesus on the cross asked Jesus to remember him, Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43 NLT). With his response, Jesus … Continue reading Settle Your Salvation Today

Great Leaders Show Vulnerability

Paul, who wrote about half of the New Testament, was one of the greatest leaders who ever lived. He is also a great example of vulnerability. In one of his letters, Paul said, “We have … Continue reading Great Leaders Show Vulnerability

Let Trials Make You More Like Jesus

We know the end of the story: Jesus is coming back! When he does, he will make all things right and just. And if you are his follower, you will spend eternity with him. Knowing … Continue reading Let Trials Make You More Like Jesus

Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World

Your witness to the world will come out of your weaknesses, not your strengths. A lot of people have it backwards: They think the world is impressed by Christians’ prosperity. That doesn’t impress the world. … Continue reading Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World