Daily Hope Devotionals - 2 Corinthians 5

Do Less So You Can Do More

The Bible says in Mark 12:30, “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (NLT). Another way to say it is this: … Continue reading Do Less So You Can Do More

Because of Jesus, God Accepts You

Would you be surprised to know most people do not accept themselves? I’ve been in ministry now for over 40 years. I’ve talked to tens of thousands of people, and I’ve found that most people … Continue reading Because of Jesus, God Accepts You

Resurrection Truths That Will Shatter Fear

The Bible is full of commands. But do you know what the most common one is? Don’t be afraid. You’ll find it 365 times in Scripture—including several times in the Easter story. “Don’t be afraid” … Continue reading Resurrection Truths That Will Shatter Fear

Only Jesus Can Do the Saving

For three summers in my youth, I was a lifeguard. And like every lifeguard understands, I knew that you can’t save somebody as long as they’re trying to save themselves. When someone’s drowning, they’re typically … Continue reading Only Jesus Can Do the Saving

Work for Reconciliation, Not Resolution

When you want to repair a relationship where there is conflict, you have to focus on reconciliation, not resolution. And there’s a big difference between the two.  Reconciliation means reestablishing the relationship. It doesn’t mean … Continue reading Work for Reconciliation, Not Resolution

Why You Can Face the Future Without Fear

Someday your life on Earth is going to end, but that’s not going to be the end of you. You’re going to live forever in one of two places: heaven or hell. Your body is going to … Continue reading Why You Can Face the Future Without Fear

Jesus’ Sacrifice Is for Everyone

When Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to be dedicated at the temple, a really old man named Simeon was there. Simeon had been waiting his whole life to see the Messiah. He took one … Continue reading Jesus’ Sacrifice Is for Everyone

The Greatest Gift Ever

The greatest gift you’ve ever been given wasn’t bought in a store. No cash exchanged hands. It wasn’t even wrapped. Yet it cost the Giver everything. The Bible says God sent his Son to Earth … Continue reading The Greatest Gift Ever

Don’t Waste Your One Chance at Heaven

A few days ago, we talked about four eternal realities that I want you to understand so that you appreciate why you need to choose heaven. But there’s one more eternal reality you need to … Continue reading Don’t Waste Your One Chance at Heaven

How Do You Forgive?

In 1956, five American missionaries headed to the rainforest of the eastern Amazon in Ecuador to make a second visit to the isolated Huaorani tribe. The people had a culture of killing, and anthropological studies … Continue reading How Do You Forgive?