Daily Hope Devotionals - 2 Corinthians 4

You’re Not God—Stop Acting Like It!

You’re not God. You don’t have all the answers. You can’t do everything. If you’re struggling to find balance in your life, those admissions can transform everything. The Bible says, “Only someone too stupid to … Continue reading You’re Not God—Stop Acting Like It!

Your Faith Requires Imagination

When you can’t see something physically, you have to imagine it in your mind. That’s why imagination is essential to living by faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and … Continue reading Your Faith Requires Imagination

Faith Produces Persistence

Faith is a powerful force. It unlocks the promises of God. It shows us the power of God. It turns dreams into reality. And it gives us the power to hold on in tough times. … Continue reading Faith Produces Persistence

Resurrection Truths That Will Shatter Fear

The Bible is full of commands. But do you know what the most common one is? Don’t be afraid. You’ll find it 365 times in Scripture—including several times in the Easter story. “Don’t be afraid” … Continue reading Resurrection Truths That Will Shatter Fear

It’s Too Soon to Quit

Do you know the difference between faithful people and unfaithful people? Unfaithful people give up at the first sign of difficulty. Faithful people keep on keeping on. Faithful people are determined, diligent, persistent. They don’t … Continue reading It’s Too Soon to Quit

Learn to Relax in Your Limitations

You’re always going to get discouraged when you try to be a superhero and do more than is humanly possible. You need a more realistic view of yourself: You can’t fix everybody’s problems. You can’t … Continue reading Learn to Relax in Your Limitations

It’s Not About You

The more you lead a self-focused life, the more you’re prone to discouragement. Every time you forget that it’s not about you, you’re going to get prideful or fearful or bitter. Those feelings will always … Continue reading It’s Not About You

Be Who God Created You to Be

Nothing is more discouraging than trying to be something you’re not. If you maintain a façade because you’re afraid that other people might find out who you are or that God might not love you, … Continue reading Be Who God Created You to Be

How to Defeat Discouragement

Do you know that God loves you? Maybe you’ve heard that truth all your life! But if you know God loves you, do you sense and recognize God’s love? When you stop believing you are … Continue reading How to Defeat Discouragement

Four Reasons Not to Give Up

If your focus is shortsighted—where you’re only thinking about your current difficulties or pain—then it’s only natural to want to give up. But if you look at things from an eternal perspective, then you’ll be … Continue reading Four Reasons Not to Give Up