Daily Hope Devotionals - 2 Chronicles 20

When You’re Overwhelmed, Stand Strong

When you focus on your problems instead of trusting God, you’re going to end up exhausted and defeated—because God didn’t design you to fight your battles alone. You don’t have the power you need to … Continue reading When You’re Overwhelmed, Stand Strong

God’s on Your Side—the Winning Side

When you feel overwhelmed, it’s important to go to God in prayer and confess your inability and inadequacy. If you’re afraid, you need to be honest and tell God exactly how you feel. In 2 … Continue reading God’s on Your Side—the Winning Side

Pray First, Pray More

Sometimes it seems the odds are against you. I once read the story of a man named Brian who had a day like that. First, his apartment flooded from a broken pipe. When he went … Continue reading Pray First, Pray More

Three Results of a Breakthrough Prayer

When you ask God for a breakthrough in your life, expect him to turn battles into blessings. King Jehoshaphat and his army let God fight their battle for them. When they went to the battlefield, … Continue reading Three Results of a Breakthrough Prayer

Thank God in Advance for Your Breakthrough

The story of King Jehoshaphat perfectly illustrates the power of thanking God in advance, before you get the answer to your breakthrough prayer. When faced with an attack by three enemy armies, Jehoshaphat had an … Continue reading Thank God in Advance for Your Breakthrough

Let Go and Surrender to God

Imagine you’re sitting on a plane that’s about to take off. As the plane goes down the runway, you start flapping your arms. As the speed picks up and the nose lifts in the air, … Continue reading Let Go and Surrender to God

God’s Trying to Talk to You

Prayer is a conversation, not a monologue. When you pray, don’t do all the talking! You can’t build a friendship with God if you don’t let him talk to you. How do you let God … Continue reading God’s Trying to Talk to You

God Is All-Powerful—So You Don’t Have to Be

Breakthrough prayers are different from other prayers. You likely often pray and ask God for his help, strength, or wisdom. When you say, “God, I need your help,” that means you still think you can … Continue reading God Is All-Powerful—So You Don’t Have to Be

For a Breakthrough, Stay Focused on God

In a crisis, it’s natural to start explaining to God what’s going on and asking him for help. He wants you to talk to him and pour out your heart to him. But don’t start … Continue reading For a Breakthrough, Stay Focused on God

After the Victory Comes the Blessing

At the end of 2 Chronicles 20, there’s a dramatic scene: God has just caused Israel’s enemies to turn against each other. While Israel’s army just stood back and watched, their enemies destroyed each other. … Continue reading After the Victory Comes the Blessing