If You Don’t Use the Talents God Gave You, Other People Get Cheated
by Rick Warren — November 4, 2018

“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another” (1 Peter 4:10 NLT).
God wired you to make a contribution. God did not give you talents and abilities for your benefit. They are for the benefit of other people, and their talents are for the benefit of you.
I am so grateful for people who are talented in areas that I’m not good at. For instance, I’m grateful for accountants. Because I stink at accounting! I’m grateful for people who know how to do taxes.
I’m grateful for people who have mechanical ability. I couldn’t fix a carburetor if I had to. I wouldn’t even know where to find it!
Everybody has different talents.
God has given me some talents. One of my talents is taking the Word of God and making it clear for other people to understand. When I use that ability, you get blessed. My talent is for you. It’s to help you.
But here’s the point: You’ve got talents, too. Are you using them to bless others? Are you using them to help others?
If you don’t use the talents God gave you, other people get cheated. The way you bring glory to God is by using your talents. “Use your gifts well to serve one another.” God is glorified when you use your abilities to serve others.
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