God Is in You, with You, and for You

“God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”

Philippians 2:13 (NLT)

No matter what you’re going to face today or this week or next year, you won’t face it alone. God is with you, he is in you, and he is for you.

Philippians 2:13 says, “God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” (NLT).

God is working in you. The word “working” in Greek is the word energos, from which we get our word “energy.” God is the energy driver in your life. You’re not just going on willpower. You’re not just going on your own power. God says he will give you the power you need, no matter what you’re facing.

Not only is he in you, but he is also with you. The Bible says, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you . . . On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” (John 14:18, 20 NIV).

That’s quite a promise! The Bible says that Christ is in you, that you’re sheltered with him, and that you’re sealed with the Holy Spirit. That means that, for the Devil to get to you, he’s got to get through the Trinity. That’s pretty good protection and a great relief from fear.

Not only is God with you and in you, but God is also for you. Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life” (ESV).

When a shepherd leads the sheep, guard dogs are always at the back, keeping watch and making sure the sheep move in the right direction.  The Bible says that the guard dogs in your life are God’s goodness and mercy. 

God’s goodness and mercy are always at work in your life. God gives you the things you don’t deserve—that’s his goodness. And he doesn’t give you the punishment you deserve for you sins—that’s his mercy.

His goodness includes the blessings you experience now but also the gift of your salvation: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV).

God is watching over your life! You ought to get up every morning and say with confidence, “God, thank you that you’re going to be with me today, you’re going to be in me today, and you’re going to be for me today.”

That’s good news that helps you get rid of fear of whatever you’re facing and replace it with happiness instead.

Talk It Over

  • What does it look like when you switch from living in your own power to living in God’s power that is available to you?
  • When do you doubt God’s presence the most? Ask God for faith to see him at work in this specific area of your life.
  • How does your perspective of a difficult situation change when you know God is for you?

Are you ready to receive God’s forgiveness and start a new life with Christ?

God promised that for those who believe in Jesus, there is no condemnation. He sent Jesus to save you from your sin. His death on the cross paid for every wrong you’ve ever done or will do. And by sacrificing himself for your sins and giving you his righteousness, Jesus made it possible for you to have a relationship with God the Father.

The good news doesn’t stop there. God also raised Jesus from the dead, proving his power over sin and death. And that makes it possible for you to spend eternity with him in heaven.

If you’re ready to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, start by praying this simple prayer: “Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is your Son. I believe that he died for my sins and that you raised him to life. I want to trust him as my Savior and follow him as Lord from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

If you just prayed to accept Jesus, please email me at [email protected] and let me know about it. I’d like to send you some free materials to help you start your journey with Jesus.

Give hope, prayer, and encouragement below. Post a comment & talk about it.