God Calls You to a Relationship with Him
by Rick Warren — August 31, 2019
“I am writing to all of you in Rome who are loved by God and are called to be his own holy people” (Romans 1:7 NLT).
Your first call, above all else, is to a relationship with God.
Romans 1:7 says, “I am writing to all of you in Rome who are loved by God and are called to be his own holy people” (NLT).
God wants you to be a part of his family. He wants you to be his child.
The most important thing that’ll ever happen to you isn’t something you’ll do. It’s something God will do. He’ll call you his child! He wants you to know him and love him and be his beloved son or daughter.
The Bible says it like this: “What an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us, that we would be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are!” (1 John 3:1 AMP).
As you follow God, you don’t have to check off all the things you think you should do with your life. Focus on your relationship with God, and he will not only reveal your unique calling, he also will show you how to do what he wants you to do.
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