Don’t Miss This Call
by Rick Warren — August 29, 2019
“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 NIV).
The truth is, the Bible says God has already called you. Romans 8:28 says, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (NIV).
Now, it’s not the same as a phone call—except that it is a message directly to you from God and it is personal, one-to-one.
The call of God is your life mission, the one he gave you when he created you. But don’t confuse your calling with your career. Maybe you’re called to be a teacher, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be in a classroom. Or you may be called to be a writer, but that doesn’t mean you’ll work in journalism or even write novels.
Your calling is far more significant than any job. It is an all-encompassing mission that rests at the center of your life and should influence everything you do.
Throughout the Bible, God calls people to fulfill that special mission—such people as Noah and Abraham and Moses and David and Nehemiah and Mary and Peter and Paul. They each had a unique roll that supported God’s plan to redeem humanity.
And the Bible says that God has called you to an equally important task.
Paul writes in Ephesians 1:18, “My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours together with all of God’s people” (CEV).
The greatest of those glorious blessings is your intimate relationship with God. Focus on him, and he’ll talk to you about your calling.
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