Daily Hope Devotional

Your Generosity Grows Your Influence

By Rick Warren — May 8, 2024
from Daring Faith
Generosity expands your influence. The more generous you become, the more influential you will become. Influence comes not from what you get in life. Influence comes from what you give away in life, and the … Continue reading Your Generosity Grows Your Influence

You Significance Comes From Serving

By Rick Warren — May 7, 2024
from Daring Faith
Whenever we pursue something in life, we do it hoping that it will give us significance. But the only way to really experience significance is to serve with others in ministry. Ministry just means doing … Continue reading You Significance Comes From Serving

God Created You to Need Other People

By Rick Warren — May 6, 2024
from Daring Faith
There are some things you will never learn on your own. You only learn them in community. To grow and develop your potential, you must learn from other people. For example, you can only learn … Continue reading God Created You to Need Other People
We only learn who we are in relationship. We only learn our true identity in community. You’ll never learn who you really are by yourself. You only learn it in relationships. That means you must … Continue reading You Learn Your Purpose Through Relationships

Move Forward by Faith, Not by Feelings

By Rick Warren — May 4, 2024
from Daring Faith
You need to plant by faith, not by your feelings. Do you think that every day a farmer wakes up excited to go to work on their farm? No. It’s hard work! But if a … Continue reading Move Forward by Faith, Not by Feelings

Sow Godliness in the Next Generation

By Rick Warren — May 3, 2024
from Daring Faith
Years ago PBS did a series of family histories of famous Americans. They wanted to include a pastor, so they asked me if I would participate. They took a swab of DNA from my mouth, … Continue reading Sow Godliness in the Next Generation

God’s Promises to Those Who Give

By Rick Warren — May 2, 2024
from Daring Faith
To reap a great harvest, you must plant generously in faith. My wife Kay and I have done this hundreds and hundreds of times. We’ve raised our giving from 10 percent 40 years ago to … Continue reading God’s Promises to Those Who Give

Why Not Your Best?

By Rick Warren — May 1, 2024
from Daring Faith
Admiral Hyman Rickover was the father of the U.S. nuclear Navy. He once interviewed a Naval Academy graduate and asked him a very direct question: “When you were in school and in all your life, … Continue reading Why Not Your Best?

You Have to Believe It to See It

By Rick Warren — April 30, 2024
from Daring Faith
Faith is visualizing the future. It’s believing before you see it. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (NIV). How will you see … Continue reading You Have to Believe It to See It

Is It Your Dream or God’s Dream?

By Rick Warren — April 29, 2024
from Daring faith
How do you know if you are living for your dream or God’s dream? You may think you were created to get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed, to … Continue reading Is It Your Dream or God’s Dream?