Daily Hope Devotional

God’s Promises to Those Who Give

By Rick Warren — May 2, 2024
from Daring Faith
To reap a great harvest, you must plant generously in faith. My wife Kay and I have done this hundreds and hundreds of times. We’ve raised our giving from 10 percent 40 years ago to … Continue reading God’s Promises to Those Who Give

Why Not Your Best?

By Rick Warren — May 1, 2024
from Daring Faith
Admiral Hyman Rickover was the father of the U.S. nuclear Navy. He once interviewed a Naval Academy graduate and asked him a very direct question: “When you were in school and in all your life, … Continue reading Why Not Your Best?

You Have to Believe It to See It

By Rick Warren — April 30, 2024
from Daring Faith
Faith is visualizing the future. It’s believing before you see it. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (NIV). How will you see … Continue reading You Have to Believe It to See It

Is It Your Dream or God’s Dream?

By Rick Warren — April 29, 2024
from Daring faith
How do you know if you are living for your dream or God’s dream? You may think you were created to get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed, to … Continue reading Is It Your Dream or God’s Dream?

Doubt Is the Enemy of Imagination

By Rick Warren — April 28, 2024
from Daring Faith
Doubt is the enemy of imagination. When you were a kid, you had a great imagination. But the older you get, the more your imagination grows rusty. You stop imagining what things could be, and … Continue reading Doubt Is the Enemy of Imagination

Your Faith Requires Imagination

By Rick Warren — April 27, 2024
from Daring Faith
When you can’t see something physically, you have to imagine it in your mind. That’s why imagination is essential to living by faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and … Continue reading Your Faith Requires Imagination

The Best Benefit of Believing

By Rick Warren — April 26, 2024
from Daring Faith
There are a lot of benefits to believing in Jesus and having a relationship with him. But even if God removed all the other benefits, there would still be this, and it’s a pretty big … Continue reading The Best Benefit of Believing

Dream Big Because You Have a Big God

By Rick Warren — April 25, 2024
from Daring Faith
God’s dream for your life is exponentially bigger than any dream you could come up with. Why? Because it’s eternally significant. There are a lot of dreams you could have that may seem big, but … Continue reading Dream Big Because You Have a Big God

How to Get God’s Power in Your Life

By Rick Warren — April 24, 2024
from Daring Faith
When you believe in Jesus, you get God’s strength for daily living. I used to think this wasn’t a big deal. But I’ve realized that for most people, the number one problem in life isn’t … Continue reading How to Get God’s Power in Your Life

To Know Your Purpose, Ask Your Creator

By Rick Warren — April 23, 2024
from Daring Faith
When you put your trust in Jesus Christ, you learn God’s purpose for your life. Most people don’t know the purpose of their lives. They think they know what they want or what is best … Continue reading To Know Your Purpose, Ask Your Creator