Daily Hope Devotional

Sometimes the Change Is Gradual

By Rick Warren — February 22, 2024
from The Invisible War
You need more power than just willpower in your life. You need God’s power. The fruit of the Spirit is the qualities that God puts in your life when the Holy Spirit lives in you: … Continue reading Sometimes the Change Is Gradual

It’s Time to Change Your Mind

By Rick Warren — February 21, 2024
from The Invisible War
Changing your life requires new thinking. The battle to change the defects in your life is always a mental battle. It starts in the mind—and that’s where the battle is won or lost. Ephesians 4:23 … Continue reading It’s Time to Change Your Mind

Change Is a Choice

By Rick Warren — February 20, 2024
from The Invisible War
It’s not enough to want to change. It’s not even enough to say, “I have a dream of changing.” Dreams are worthless unless you wake up and actually act on them. You’re not going to … Continue reading Change Is a Choice

The Power of Eternal Thinking

By Rick Warren — February 19, 2024
from The Invisible War
A famous Harvard study once showed a direct connection between long-term thinking and success. It revealed that the more people focus on short-term gain, the more likely they are to fail. Those who focus on … Continue reading The Power of Eternal Thinking

Facing Fear? Change Your Focus

By Rick Warren — February 18, 2024
from The Invisible War
When I was a kid, I didn’t get scared often. I played fearlessly. But whenever I did get scared, I always cried out to my dad. I knew I could depend on him. He was … Continue reading Facing Fear? Change Your Focus

You Have the Power to Say ‘No’

By Rick Warren — February 17, 2024
from The Invisible War
Some people today insist that we should just give in to any desire that comes our way. If it feels good, do it! If it serves you, go for it! If everyone else is doing … Continue reading You Have the Power to Say ‘No’

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

By Rick Warren — February 16, 2024
from The Invisible War
You haven’t been sentenced to a life of frustration and stress. You don’t have to be stuck in your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. God has something far better for you. We all want peace and … Continue reading Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Jesus Took Your Judgment

By Rick Warren — February 15, 2024
from The Invisible War
Do you get it right all the time? Of course you don’t! None of us do. None of us is perfect. There is a lot of pressure in our society to have it all together, … Continue reading Jesus Took Your Judgment

Willpower Won’t Solve Your Problem

By Rick Warren — February 14, 2024
from The Invisible War
You have a war inside of you that will rage for your entire life between who you used to be and who you’ve become in Jesus Christ. Even Paul, the most decorated missionary in the … Continue reading Willpower Won’t Solve Your Problem

You Need a Battle Buddy

By Rick Warren — February 13, 2024
from The Invisible War
People don’t go to war by themselves. It would be a suicide mission. Someone has to have your back. You need a battle buddy. The same is true in the spiritual battles we all face. … Continue reading You Need a Battle Buddy