The Height of God’s Love

There is no place that you can go where God’s love isn’t. You’ll never be separated from God’s love.

Nothing — no circumstance, no situation — can separate you, because God’s love is everywhere: “Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39 NIV).

If you want an antidote for loneliness, here it is: You will never be separated from God’s love. The fact is, we do lose loved ones. Even if you’re married, one of you is going to die first, and you will grieve over that.

But if you’re a Christian, God is with you always and forever. You can look to his love for you whenever you feel lonely. I’m not talking about religion. I’m talking about a relationship with Jesus Christ. His love lasts forever, and his love is everywhere.

Talk It Over

  • God’s love is high enough to overlook your mistakes. Have you accepted his offer to forgive you and help you start over?
  • How do you tune into God's love in difficult circumstances or when you feel lonely?
  • What is the difference between religion and relationship?

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