Claim God’s Promises

“The LORD, the God of heaven, brought me from . . . the land of my relatives. And he promised me, ‘I will give this land to your descendants.’ The LORD will send his angel before you to help you get a wife for my son there.”

Genesis 24:7 (NCV)

Over the last few devotionals, we’ve been looking at how Eleazar succeeded in the big goal Abraham had given him. His response models how you can chase and accomplish the dreams God has given you.

So far we’ve learned that—to accomplish your God-given dreams—you must:

  • Determine your present position
  • Describe exactly what you want

Next, you must find a promise from God.

Did you know that God makes over 7,000 promises to you in the Bible—promises of security, safety, provision, success, stability, wisdom, and strength? These promises are like blank checks, just waiting for you to claim them! Most people go through life never claiming any of the promises of God—but you can!

God makes these promises because he wants you to learn to trust him. If you dream big, God-given dreams, you’ll find that fear will often try to stop you. Claiming a promise of God helps you focus on his provision instead of your fears. If you focus on the problems or the what if’s, you’ll never get to around to starting. 

You must find a promise from God to hold on to for hope

The Bible says in Genesis 24:7, “The LORD, the God of heaven, brought me from. . . the land of my relatives. And he promised me, ‘I will give this land to your descendants.’ The LORD will send his angel before you to help you get a wife for my son there” (NCV).

If God told you that an angel was going to go before you in your goal, would that give you confidence? Oh yeah!

But you don’t need an angel. Because dozens of times in Scripture, God has already promised to be with you. He will be with you everywhere you go.

You may not have always felt God’s presence, but there has never been a time in your life when he’s not been with you. And when he’s with you, he can give you the confidence to believe you’re going to succeed in accomplishing his goals with his help. 

If you’ve got a big God, you need to have big goals. Instead of basing your goals on what you can do, base them on what God can do. Base your goals on the promises of God—all 7,000 of them.

Talk It Over

  • Has fear or worry every derailed one of your goals?
  • Think about a current goal you have. Is that goal based on what you think you can do or what you think God can do?
  • Is fear standing in the way of you setting a goal that you believe God has given you? Claim a promise from the Bible today to encourage yourself to set that goal. Write the promise down and put it somewhere you can read it every day!

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