Four Types of People You Need in Your Life

“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”

Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)

You and I can never become the kind of people God wants us to be on our own. We were never intended to do life that way. We all need people who are teaching us, sharing their lives with us, investing in us, and encouraging us to grow.

The Bible tells us, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20 NIV).

It’s wise to avoid isolation and to share your life with others and learn from each other. In fact, to be all that God calls you to be, you need to learn from at least four kinds of people:

Mentors. These are your coaches. I’ve had nine different mentors in my life, and they have helped shape me into the person I am today. No one can teach you everything you need to know. One person will teach you in one area. Another person will teach you about something else.

Role models. These are people who are already doing or have already done what you want to do. They share their wisdom and experience and even their mistakes to help you succeed. Many of the skills you’ve learned in your life, you’ve learned by watching others—and there are many more skills to learn. 

Partners. You need co-workers and colleagues who are in your profession, people to support and challenge you on what God wants to do through your life. These are the people who row the boat with you, for better or worse!

Friends. Friends don’t necessarily help you with your goals (though they certainly can help you). They’re just friends. They love you no matter what you do. You can mess up, and they still love you. A friend walks alongside you when everyone else walks out. That’s when you know who your true friends are.

Trying to live life solo isn’t just lonely. It works against God’s design for us.

Find your people, and make yourself available and vulnerable to them and how God wants to use them in your life.

Talk It Over

  • Of the four types of people you need in your life, which do you have the most of? Which do you have the least of?
  • Why do so many people attempt to live life without the support of others?
  • Does anyone in your life need your support in one of these roles?

Give hope, prayer, and encouragement below. Post a comment & talk about it.