11 Apr 2020 0 Comment

God’s Love Changes Everything

Nothing you’ve ever done or will ever do can stop God from loving you. God said in Jeremiah 31:3, “I love you with an everlasting love” (GW). Do you know how long everlasting is? It’s forever. You can’t make God stop loving...
10 Apr 2020 0 Comment

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Have you ever wondered what heaven will look like? In a word, it will be indescribable. Even Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, didn’t have words to describe it: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has...
10 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Puedes estar Seguro de quién Eres

“Jesús se dirigió a la gente, y les dijo: Yo soy la luz del mundo. El que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida”.  Juan 8:12 (NVI) Cuando Jesús dijo: "Yo soy la luz del mundo", se estaba...
9 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Todo Cristiano es un Ministro

“Ustedes también son como piedras vivas que Dios utiliza para construir un templo espiritual”.  1 Pedro 2:5a (PDT) Dios dice que tú eres un sacerdote santo. Dependiendo de tu experiencia, que puede ser aterradora o confusa. Pedro...
9 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death

Everyone fears death. But, as we prepare to celebrate Easter, it’s important to remember that what Jesus did on the cross put an end to that fear. In Romans 5:17 Paul writes, “For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to...
8 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Cómo la Cruz demuestra tu Valor

“Acérquense al Señor Jesús, quien es la piedra viva, rechazada por los hombres, pero elegida y de mucho valor ante Dios”. 1 Pedro 2:4 (PDT) Dios dice que no sólo eres aceptado; dice que también eres valioso. ¿Cuánto crees...
8 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Your Debt Is Paid

All of us are in debt to someone. You may not be financially in debt, but you’ve offended, hurt, or sinned against someone. All of us have. But you have an even bigger debt. The Bible says we owe the biggest debt of all to...
7 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Tú ya tienes la Aceptación de Dios

“Pero ustedes son linaje escogido, real sacerdocio, nación santa, pueblo que pertenece a Dios, para que proclamen las obras maravillosas de aquel que los llamó de las tinieblas a su luz admirable”. 1 Pedro 2:9 (NVI) La mayoría de...
7 Apr 2020 0 Comment

How to Live Free from Satan’s Power

Satan loves to manipulate people. He does it all the time. Temptation and condemnation are Satan’s two favorite methods to do so. First, he tempts us by minimizing sin before we do it. He’ll whisper phrases to us like, “It’s no...
6 Apr 2020 0 Comment

It Is Finished

The only person ever to finish everything he had on his plate before he died was Jesus. In John 4:34, Jesus said, “My food is to do what God wants! He is the one who sent me, and I must finish the work that he gave me to do”...