Opening Doors to Reach the Unreached
Pastor Rick and his team recently ministered in Latin America and West Africa, where God is working in amazing ways through your partnership with Daily Hope.
In Peru, Pastor Rick spoke to a gathering of over 16,000 pastors and church leaders from all over Latin America. He urged them to join together to take the gospel to every person on earth—including those small, remote tribes of unreached people found throughout the region. He also shared an evangelistic message with the Congress of the Republic of Peru. Thousands of pastors have caught the vision and committed to working alongside Pastor Rick to share Jesus with the unreached across their continent.
As part of his efforts to fulfill the Great Commission, Pastor Rick sent a team to Africa, where they trained 600 church leaders in Côte d‘Ivoire. The leaders learned how to bring new attendees into church, train them for ministry, and send them out to the unreached around them for Christ. A local church partnered with Pastor Rick’s team to set up a PEACE center to strategically serve the Tura people, a neighboring unreached people group. The PEACE Center will include a medical clinic, adult education programs, savings groups, entrepreneurship classes, early childhood education, and a home for girls seeking educational opportunities.
“Your prayers are vital to this ongoing mission,” says Pastor Rick, “Pray for our health, and for doors to be opened around the world to fulfill the Great Commission.” Thank you for your continued partnership to make a difference and help pave the way for God’s work to spread across the globe.
Connect with Pastor Rick Warren