How God Heals Your Hidden Wounds

By Rick Warren

As a pastor for many years, I’ve learned two truths about life. First, everyone has hidden wounds. Second, emotional scars can take much longer to heal than physical ones.

Chances are you know what I’m talking about.

Many of our hidden wounds are built on faulty information we believe about ourselves.

We have what I call “stinking thinking,” which means we don’t always think properly or come to correct conclusions. When you base your life on faulty data, you build a self-defeating lifestyle. You set yourself up for failure and pain. That’s why, in Romans 12:2, Paul tells us not to “copy the behavior and customs of this world” (NLT).

But I have good news for you if you’re struggling with the brokenness that comes from faulty thinking. Jesus Christ can heal those wounds. How does he do it? He shifts the foundation of your life to the truth of the Bible and that changes how you think.

Paul goes on in Romans 12:2 to describe this process: “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think” (NLT).

Here’s how you can heal those hidden wounds:

1. Ask God to heal your memories. Those open wounds in your heart hurt. God begins the healing process when we ask him to heal us.

2. Fill your mind with God’s Word. The more you fill your mind with Scripture, the more freedom you’ll have from the old, painful memories you’re playing over and over in your mind. Make Bible study a regular part of your life, both on your own and in a group with other believers. Listening to Daily Hope is also a great way to regularly hear God’s Word.

3. Trust the truth from God’s Word about yourself. Paul teaches us that “God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then and there then to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault—we who stand before him covered with his love” (Ephesians 1:4 TLB). That’s how God sees you as soon as you trust in Christ. He takes everything you’ve ever done wrong—all the guilt, regrets, shame, and hurts—and erases it.

Don’t let painful lies from the past continue to wound you. Choose to believe what God says about you instead.

Then watch as God mends the wounds in your life.

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