A Bold Commitment to Fulfill the Great Commission

This January, Pastor Rick led the Hispanic World Leaders Summit, where 44 influential pastors and leaders from around the world came together to brainstorm effective ways to grow strong, healthy churches.

As their gathering concluded, these leaders made a bold commitment to work together to reach people everywhere for Jesus Christ. Their vision is to spark a global movement to spread the gospel to every single people group—including small tribes in remote and hard-to-reach places.

Their dedication to carrying the hope of Jesus beyond their local communities is already making waves, pushing forward God’s kingdom with every step. It’s amazing to see what happens when folks unite with a shared purpose!

Please pray for Pastor Rick as he continues to build an international team of pastors and churches dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission.


See how Daily Hope is impacting people in Latin America: 

Thanks to Esperanza Diaria [Daily Hope in Spanish], every day I try to get closer to Christ, I have learned to pray to understand that no matter how little my prayer is, he will be there for me because he loves me. – Maria, Closed Country

I want to let you know how much I appreciate the Daily Hope podcast. I listen to it every day—I started listening to improve my English skills, but then it began to improve me as a servant of God. It has changed my spiritual life! I also translate the messages and share them with my family and friends. – Rafael, Brazil

Every morning before anything else, I read Esperanza Diaria and it continues to be my best food. I was hospitalized for 20 days, but I held on to the promises I have learned in church and your devotionals. – Marilú, Columbia

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