Thank YOU for Meeting the Matches

By Rick Warren

I’m so grateful for friends like you! Because you cared, all of the Matching Grants that were put forth in June were met in full, and now millions of people around the world continue to be reached with the Gospel!

People like Vanessa, from Uganda. She’s so encouraged by the Daily Hope messages you’ve made possible for her to access. She writes . . .

“Praise God, Pastor, I just want to let you know that you really inspire me with each and every portion of Daily Hope. I know you have always mentioned that Daily Hope should not replace my local church, but honestly speaking, my day is really empty and incomplete without Daily Hope because what you preach is daily hope indeed. It is changing my life and way of thinking.”

It’s only because of wonderful friends like you that millions like Vanessa all around the world are finding the hope they desperately need—especially during challenging times like these.

They’re growing closer to Jesus because you’re connecting them to messages that share the Good News, encourage, and disciple them. Thank you for your partnership!

Give hope, prayer, and encouragement below. Post a comment & talk about it.