Radio teaching Series

Where Is God When It Hurts

Pain is a fact of life, but misery is optional. Many people waste their pain. But God wants you to mature because of it. In this series, Pastor Rick Warren teaches how God uses the pain in your life for good. You’ll learn choices you can make to benefit from your pain and ways you can use the pain in your life to help others heal from their own pain.

March 22, 2023

Using Your Pain to Help Others – Part 2

Out of your pain, God can bring good and give you hope. Pastor Rick explains how having this perspective not only helps you but helps others as they walk through their own pain.

March 21, 2023

Using Your Pain to Help Others – Part 1

God wants you to use your pain to help others. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about how sharing your failures, frustrations, and fears can benefit the people around you.

March 20, 2023

How Can I Benefit from My Pain? – Part 3

Your deepest life message often will come from your deepest hurt. Join Pastor Rick and learn how God uses pain to shape your message to the world.

March 17, 2023

How Can I Benefit from My Pain? – Part 2

The Bible says that God comforts us in our troubles so that we, in turn, can comfort others. Learn from Pastor Rick as he teaches how pain helps you be more compassionate when you serve.

March 16, 2023

How Can I Benefit from My Pain? – Part 1

When Christians help each other through painful times, they become closer to each other and more like Jesus. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how pain can grow you through fellowship and discipleship.

March 15, 2023

How God Can Use My Pain for My Good – Part 2

Most of us learn very little from the easy seasons of life; it’s the painful experiences that push us to change and mature the most. Learn from Pastor Rick as he explains how God can comfort you and help you grow through pain.

March 14, 2023

How God Can Use My Pain for My Good – Part 1

Pain can serve as a warning light that something is wrong. God can even use your pain to guard and protect you. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches a different perspective on pain.