Radio teaching Series
Strategies for Stressful Times
We all face stressful seasons in life—times when we feel like we’re treading water and barely getting by. Thankfully, God’s Word gives us new strength to keep going, to trust God when it doesn’t make sense, and to handle stress even in the most difficult of times. In this series, Pastor Rick looks to the Bible for strategies on how to navigate stressful times.
December 14, 2023
Jesus’ Secrets of Resilience – Part 3
Jesus was convinced that, no matter how busy he was, he needed time alone with God to pray. Do you have any time like that in your life? If you want to be a resilient person, learn from Pastor Rick as he shares insight on how to develop the habit of spending time with God.
December 13, 2023
Jesus’ Secrets of Resilience – Part 2
Some things in life aren’t necessarily wrong—they’re just not necessary. Once you figure this out, you’re going to be able to better withstand the hard times in life. You’re going to be resilient! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how to set priorities that have an eternal focus.
December 12, 2023
Jesus’ Secrets of Resilience – Part 1
Our culture is constantly trying to fit you into its mold. When you have a confused and unclear identity, when you don’t really know who you are, it makes you more vulnerable to the culture’s influence. Join Pastor Rick as he helps you settle in your mind that God loves you unconditionally.
December 11, 2023
How To Keep Your Tank Filled Instead of Running on Empty – Part 3
The antidote to the two biggest causes of stress in your life is gentleness and humility. You learn them by reminding yourself every day that you are not God and you don’t need to be anybody’s savior. Listen to this broadcast by Pastor Rick to continue learning about the calm and rest only Jesus offers.
December 8, 2023
How To Keep Your Tank Filled Instead of Running on Empty – Part 2
One reason we often feel overloaded is because we’re trying to control things too much. Sometimes we act this way without realizing it. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches the importance of staying in step with Jesus, the One who loves us and has great things in store for us!
December 7, 2023
How To Keep Your Tank Filled Instead of Running on Empty – Part 1
What does Jesus say when we come to him with an emptiness in our lives—an empty soul, an empty heart, an empty character? How does he respond when we tell him we have nothing to give? Join Pastor Rick as he reminds you that God will never scold you or turn you away; he will always say, “Come to me.”
December 6, 2023
How To Trust God When You Don’t Like the Changes In Your Life – Part 3
The bigger the changes that happen in your life, the more time you need to spend with God. You read the Bible, talk to God in prayer, and listen to what he wants to say to you. Join Pastor Rick as he highlights the importance of spending daily time with God so you can experience God’s peace and rest.
December 5, 2023
How To Trust God When You Don’t Like the Changes In Your Life – Part 2
There will always be people in your life who have bad intentions, who will resent you, criticize you, and hurt you. There is no way around it. Thankfully, as Rick teaches in this broadcast, we can trust that God sees, cares, and will have justice.
December 4, 2023
How To Trust God When You Don’t Like the Changes In Your Life – Part 1
Anybody can be happy when everything’s going their way. But God teaches you true joy in the middle of suffering, grief, and heartbreak. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explores how God’s peace can flood into the most chaotic of circumstances.
December 1, 2023
How To Be Happy No Matter What Happens – Part 3
Happy people are more likely to look at every situation in life from God’s viewpoint. They look past the pain and pressure; they see the bigger picture. Listen to Pastor Rick to learn that God “causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God” (Romans 8:28 NLT).
November 30, 2023
How To Be Happy No Matter What Happens – Part 2
The negative opinions of others can easily get us down. But if our happiness depends on the approval of other people, disappointment is bound to follow. Discover God’s strategy for happiness in this broadcast by Pastor Rick.
November 29, 2023
How To Be Happy No Matter What Happens – Part 1
Pain, pressure, people, and problems—they’re the four most common sources of unhappiness. They’re the killjoys of life. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick examines why happiness is not based on circumstances; happiness is a choice we all get to make.
November 28, 2023
Finding the Strength to Keep Going When I’m Emotionally Worn Out – Part 3
Many of us tend to focus on our problems instead of on God. But when we do that, we don’t have the eternal perspective we need to keep going, no matter what happens. Listen to Pastor Rick as he once again reminds us that God promises to help us when we feel like giving up.
November 27, 2023
Finding the Strength to Keep Going When I’m Emotionally Worn Out – Part 2
Do you feel under attack? Tell God. Do you feel like you have no energy? Tell God. Do you feel rejected or lonely? Tell God. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick encourages you to dump everything you’re feeling right now onto the Lord—he wants to hear it all!
November 24, 2023
Finding the Strength to Keep Going When I’m Emotionally Worn Out – Part 1
Spectators at a race often shout, “Keep going!” to motivate the athletes. That’s also great advice for anyone who feels emotionally, mentally, or spiritually exhausted from running the marathon of life. Join Pastor Rick as he reminds us that God will give us the power we need to finish what he has called us to do.
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