Radio teaching Series

How The Resurrection Gives Us Hope (2020)

As Jesus died on the cross, he shouted, “It is finished!” It’s a phrase based on a single word: tetelestai. It refers to a definitive conclusion or a payment made in full. It means that Jesus paid it all, and then God resurrected him. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why this one word from Jesus can give us a hope for heaven that is guaranteed to be fulfilled.

April 10, 2020

How the Resurrection Gives Us Hope – Part 3

The resurrection reminds you that God’s love is eternal, God has a purpose for your life, and that death is not the end. There is an eternal home waiting for you in heaven! Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach about the reasons you can find hope in Jesus’ resurrection.

April 9, 2020

How the Resurrection Gives Us Hope – Part 2

The resurrection reminds you that there’s no need to fear death, God’s Spirit is working inside you, and God will never stop loving you. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach about the reasons you can find hope in Jesus’ resurrection.

April 8, 2020

How the Resurrection Gives Us Hope – Part 1

Because of the resurrection, you can be certain you’ve been completely forgiven, you no longer need to fear death, and you now have God’s Spirit working within you. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about these and more reasons you can find hope in Jesus’ resurrection.

April 7, 2020

There Is Nothing More for You to Do – Part 2

In this broadcast, Pastor Rick continues to teach how richly tetelestai reflects the work of Jesus. The word means the job is completed, justice has been served, the debt has been fully paid, the picture is finished, the sacrifice has been made. There is nothing more for you to do!

April 6, 2020

There Is Nothing More for You to Do – Part 1

As Jesus died on the cross, he shouted the word, tetelestai, which means, “It is finished.” In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why tetelestai richly reflects the work of Jesus. It means the job is completed, justice has been served, the picture is finished, the sacrifice has been made, and the debt has been fully paid.