Radio teaching Series
Growing in the Seasons of Life
Just like a growing season for plants, you have to go through various seasons in order to mature and grow. In this message series, Pastor Rick shows you how to make the most of the seasons of life, no matter which one you’re in.
November 29, 2013
Thanksgiving Message – Radical Gratitude, Part 2
“Sink your roots in him and build on him. Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:7 GW). The ultimate test of the depth of your faith is whether or not you can thank God when life is difficult. Pastor Rick uses this message to help you understand how passing this test will give you deep roots in Christ.
November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving Message – Radical Gratitude, Part 1
Radical gratitude means you can thank God in all circumstances, even if they stink. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how to express gratitude so that you can build deeper relationships and create more fulfilling fellowship.
November 27, 2013
How to Reconcile a Relationship, Part 3
In a relationship, you can have unity without uniformity. You can walk hand in hand together without seeing eye to eye. In this message, Pastor Rick helps you understand how to repair a relationship where there is conflict by focusing on reconciliation, not resolution.
November 26, 2013
How to Reconcile a Relationship, Part 2
When you meet someone to resolve a conflict, you need to listen for the other person’s hurt and perspective. Pastor Rick shares in this message how to speak less, listen more, and change your focus so that you can reconcile a relationship.
November 25, 2013
How to Reconcile a Relationship, Part 1
It takes courage to approach someone you are in conflict with and tell that person you want to sit down and work it out. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why, if you want to resolve conflict in your relationships, you have to be willing to make the first move.
November 22, 2013
The Season of Temptation, Part 3
Satan is constantly battling for your mind. The Bible says you need to resist the devil by preparing for the temptation. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to claim the promises of God in the Bible so that you will have “a way out so that you can endure it” (Ephesians 6:17).
November 21, 2013
The Season of Temptation, Part 2
The Bible says, “A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is arrogant and careless” (Proverbs 14:16 NASB). In this broadcast, Pastor Rick shares how the goal is not to see how close you can get to the temptation but rather how far away from it you can stay.
November 20, 2013
The Season of Temptation, Part 1
We live in an age of irresponsibility, where no one wants to admit that their problems may be their own fault. We’ve all become victims! Pastor Rick wants you to understand that you’re never going to find freedom until you stop fixing the blame and start fixing the problem.
November 19, 2013
The Season of Financial Stress, Part 3
God is a giver. The only way that you’re ever going to become like him is to learn to be generous. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains the principle of the harvest and why it requires faith to give so that you can receive God’s blessing.
November 18, 2013
The Season of Financial Stress, Part 2
God is more interested in your character than your comfort. He’s not going to give you things if you haven’t learned the principle of contentment first! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick will help you understand one of the greatest secrets to learning to be content.
November 15, 2013
The Season of Financial Stress, Part 1
Are you in financial need and waiting for God to help? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick talks about one of the reasons people see so few miracles in their lives and what you need to do to receive God’s help with your finances.
November 14, 2013
The Season of Parenting, Part 3
One of the most important life skills that all of us have to learn is how to be responsible. How do you teach responsibility to your children? In this message, Pastor Rick shares the one way you can give your kids experiences that stretch them, reveal their talents, and develop their shape for ministry.
November 13, 2013
The Season of Parenting, Part 2
Do you endure your kids or do you enjoy them? Kids need celebration! The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 11:8a, “People ought to enjoy every day of their lives no matter how long they live” (NCV). Join Pastor Rick as he shows you how to celebrate your kids.
November 12, 2013
The Season of Parenting, Part 1
More than anything else, kids need unbelievable and unconditional love. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how to show compassion to your kids through the three ways they understand love.
November 11, 2013
The Season of Loss, Part 3
Losses and tragedies have a way of putting everything into perspective; they clarify your values and help you figure out some priorities. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains the two things that really matter in life and how you can keep from losing your joy over the unimportant things.
November 8, 2013
The Season of Loss, Part 2
When you’re going through a season of loss, you need more than the support of other people; you also need the perspective of other people. Pastor Rick uses this broadcast to help you understand why you need other people so desperately when you experience loss.
November 7, 2013
The Season of Loss, Part 1
Tragedy always produces strong emotions — anger, fear, worry, and sometimes guilt. These feelings are scary, and you may not know what to do with them. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick shares the first thing you need to do when you go through a season of loss.
November 6, 2013
The Season of Loneliness, Part 3
What you often call loneliness is really homesickness for God. Pastor Rick wants you to understand through this message the one thing that will fill the aching hole in your heart and the steps you need to take to get through the season of loneliness.
November 5, 2013
The Season of Loneliness, Part 2
The Bible gives guidelines for what you should do when you are going through a season of loneliness. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick talks about what you need to do with your hurt to keep it from perpetuating your loneliness.
November 4, 2013
The Season of Loneliness, Part 1
What do you do when you go through a season of loneliness? Join Pastor Rick as he looks at the answer as illustrated by the life of Paul in 2 Timothy, when Paul was in prison yet made the most of his season of loneliness.
November 1, 2013
Understanding the Seasons in Life, Part 3
Every farmer knows that what you sow in one season, you will reap in another season. Join Pastor Rick as he shares the four questions you need to ask yourself so that you will respond well to this season and reap God’s blessing in the next season.
October 31, 2013
Understanding the Seasons in Life, Part 2
You may be going through a season right now that is not beautiful. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how God can take the broken pieces of your life and use them for something good.
October 30, 2013
Understanding the Seasons in Life, Part 1
Through this message, Pastor Rick wants you to understand that God can bring good out of every single event in your life, no matter how dark or shameful it was or how guilty or bitter you feel about it.
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