27 Mar 2020 0 Comment

What to Do While You Wait for an Answer

What does God want you to do while you’re waiting on an answer to your prayer? Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act” (NLT). God wants you to wait patiently for him to answer...
26 Mar 2020 0 Comment

Tu Integridad muestra tu Fidelidad

“El que es honrado en lo poco también lo será en lo mucho; y el que no es íntegro en lo poco tampoco lo será en lo mucho”. Lucas 16:10 (NVI) Un dicho común hoy en día es “lo que haces en tu vida privada no es asunto de nadie...
26 Mar 2020 0 Comment

It’s Time to Face the Truth

Sin always involves self-deception. At the moment you’re sinning, you’re deceiving yourself because you think that what you’re doing will actually produce better results than what God has already told you to do. To stop defeating...
25 Mar 2020 0 Comment

Haz el Bien a aquellos que se Oponen a Ti

“Amen a sus enemigos, hagan bien a quienes los odian, bendigan a quienes los maldicen, oren por quienes los maltratan. Si alguien te pega en una mejilla, vuélvele también la otra. Si alguien te quita la camisa, no le impidas que se...
25 Mar 2020 0 Comment

Why Do You Do What You Don’t Want to Do?

Have you ever wondered why you do what you don’t want to do? Ever wondered why it’s so hard to do the things that you know are the right things to do? Our sinful nature causes us to often make the wrong choice. You can probably...
24 Mar 2020 0 Comment

Four Ways God Speaks to You

God is speaking to you, but are you listening for his voice? Today’s verse says God sometimes speaks one way, sometimes another. The question to ask is, “How do I tune in so that I can hear him?” Here are four of the channels...
24 Mar 2020 0 Comment

Como permanecer Fiel cuando estás Sufriendo

“Los que sufren según la voluntad de Dios, entréguense a su fiel Creador y sigan practicando el bien”.  1 Pedro 4:19 (NVI) Hay personas que dicen que Dios quiere que todos sean millonarios. Hay personas que piensan que seguir a...
23 Mar 2020 0 Comment

Two Steps Toward Knowing God’s Will

If you want to know God’s will, then you can start with these two steps: 1. Admit that you need guidance. Psalm 25:9 says, “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way” (NIV). If you’ve never felt God...
23 Mar 2020 0 Comment

¿Quién es la Verdadera Fuente de la Oposición?

“Humildemente, debe corregir a los adversarios, con la esperanza de que Dios les conceda el arrepentimiento para conocer la verdad, de modo que se despierten y escapen de la trampa en que el diablo los tiene cautivos, sumisos a su...
22 Mar 2020 0 Comment

Why Won’t God Tell You the Next Step?

You may keep saying that you want to know God’s will for your career or your relationship, but first God wants you to get to the basics down. Are you reading your Bible? Are you in a small group? Are you tithing? Are you spending time...