1 May 2020 0 Comment

To Make Decisions, Use the Influence Test

Everything you do influences someone else. Some decisions are good for you and also good for others. But sometimes it’s tempting to make a decision that might be fine for you but would harm the people around you. That’s why it’s...
30 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Is Something Other Than Christ Controlling Your Life?

The Bible is full of wisdom for decision-making. In 1 Corinthians 6:12, Paul says, “‘All things are lawful for me,’ but I will not be dominated by anything” (ESV). When deciding whether to allow something into your life, you can...
30 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Para Amar Bien Requiere que estés Espiritualmente en Forma

“El amor acepta todo con paciencia. Siempre confía. Nunca pierde la esperanza. Todo lo soporta. El amor no tiene fin”.  1 Corintios 13:7-8a (PDT) No puedes amar a las personas en la forma que Dios te ama sin el poder de Dios en...
29 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Use the Improvement Test to Fill Your Life with the Best Things

You make so many decisions every day. Most are ones you don’t even need to think about—like deciding to brush your teeth in the morning or to fill up your almost-empty gas tank. Others are matters of right or wrong, where you can rely...
29 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Cuando estás Agotado, no puedes Amar Bien

“El amor nunca se da por vencido, jamás pierde la fe, siempre tiene esperanzas y se mantiene firme en toda circunstancia”.  1 Corintios 13:7 (NTV) ¿Alguna vez te has sentido como si no tuvieras más amor para dar? El amor es...
28 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Recárgate Emocionalmente para Amar

“Y como no tenían tiempo ni para comer, pues era tanta la gente que iba y venía, Jesús les dijo: —Vengan conmigo ustedes solos a un lugar tranquilo y descansen un poco”.  Marcos 6:31 (NVI) Cuando tu tanque emocional está...
28 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Not Sure What to Do? Use the Integrity Test.

When it comes to making decisions—big or small—the Bible offers plenty of wisdom. One principle it offers over and over again is what I call the Integrity Test. When you’re making a decision, ask yourself, “Would I want everyone...
27 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Make Your Decisions Using the Light of God’s Word

There’s no doubt about it. Today we’re faced with more decisions than ever before. We live in a multiple-choice culture. And decisions are significant. Sometimes even little decisions are like the hinges that let a giant door...
27 Apr 2020 0 Comment

Ser como Jesús es un Proceso Lento

“Este trabajo debe continuar hasta… convertirnos en gente madura, vernos tal como Cristo y tener toda su perfección”.  Efesios 4:13 (PDT) Ser como Cristo, es un proceso de crecimiento, largo y lento. La madurez espiritual no es...
26 Apr 2020 0 Comment

To Develop Strong Convictions, Get to Know the Bible

A conviction is a belief that shapes your behavior. It’s something you believe so strongly that it determines the way you act. While an opinion is something you’ll discuss or even argue about, a conviction is something you’ll die...