If you’re a follower of Jesus, joy should be a way of life.
Why? You’ve been completely forgiven. There’s no longer a reason for guilt or shame.
Sounds like a good reason for joy to me.
The Bible says, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1 NIV).
Romans 8 was originally written in Greek. The word translated “no” is the strongest possible negative in Greek. It’s as if God was saying, “No, no, no—not in a thousand years, not in a million years, not a chance in your lifetime.”
All of us make mistakes. But God doesn’t want you to live in constant self-condemnation, constantly telling yourself, “I should be better.”
So how does God want you to handle your guilt? By coming clean and confessing your wrong. Go to God and say, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” And then he’ll wipe away your sin.
That’s why Jesus Christ died on the cross! And he didn’t just die for the sins you’ve already committed. He also died for the ones you haven’t committed yet. They’re all covered under the cross.
Jesus took your condemnation. That’s why he died. Your sins have been paid for. You don’t have to pay for them again.
That’s salvation, and it’s your most important reason for joy. It’s the joy of a clear conscience.
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