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July 2, 2024

Where to Find the Hope You Need — Part 1

God is the only source of true and everlasting hope. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how God is always present in your life, no matter how good or bad your circumstances are. Where God is, there is always hope.

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July 1, 2024

Showing Fairness — Part 2

Suffering doesn’t automatically build character, but it can if you respond to it in a godly way. Pastor Rick teaches how to handle unfairness in a way that honors God.

June 28, 2024

Showing Fairness — Part 1

God could make the world completely fair in just an instant. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why God doesn’t do that and how God wants you to respond to unfairness.

June 27, 2024

Maintaining Moral Purity — Part 3

No matter how you’ve strayed from God’s design for sexuality, there’s hope and forgiveness available to you. In this message, Pastor Rick explains how you can find a fresh start after moral failure.

June 26, 2024

Maintaining Moral Purity — Part 2

Garbage in, garbage out. That’s not just a cliché. It’s what the Bible teaches! In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to make good choices based on biblical truth that protect your moral purity.

June 25, 2024

Maintaining Moral Purity — Part 1

You can’t expect to maintain moral purity if you can’t agree on a moral standard. In this message, Pastor Rick reminds us that purity begins with a commitment to live by God’s standards instead of making up our own rules.

June 24, 2024

Offering Forgiveness — Part 2

After his life fell apart, Job had every reason to harbor resentment toward God and his friends. Instead, as Pastor Rick teaches in this message, Job’s story demonstrates how to deal with resentment in a healthy, God-honoring manner.

June 21, 2024

Offering Forgiveness — Part 1

The Bible says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV). In this message, Pastor Rick introduces you to the best model for living in forgiveness: Jesus.

June 20, 2024

Showing Respect — Part 2

In this message, Pastor Rick looks into God’s Word to explain how to show respect to people who disagree with you.

June 19, 2024

Showing Respect — Part 1

Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why and how to show respect to people, even when they don’t appear to deserve it.

June 18, 2024

The Balanced Life — Part 3

You have just enough time to do everything God wants you to do. In this message, Pastor Rick shares the importance of putting Jesus at the center of your schedule and the steps it takes to do that.

June 17, 2024

The Balanced Life — Part 2

If you feel like the load you are carrying is too heavy, then it doesn’t come from Jesus. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest . . . the load I give you to carry is light” (Matthew 11:28, 30 NCV). In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to find rest and balance in Jesus.

June 14, 2024

The Balanced Life — Part 1

In this message, Pastor Rick explains why a balanced life is only achievable when you put Jesus at the center of all you do.

June 13, 2024

Developing Self-Control — Part 2

We all experience anger. But just getting angry doesn’t automatically mean you’ve sinned. Join Pastor Rick for this message where he teaches what the Bible says you should do to keep your anger from turning into sin.

June 12, 2024

Developing Self-Control — Part 1

When you respond to a conflict impulsively, you’re more likely to respond in anger. But if you wait to talk about it, there’s a better chance you’ll be more rational and reasonable. Join Pastor Rick for this biblical lesson on self-control.

June 11, 2024

Developing Trust — Part 3

God wants you to step out of your comfort zone in faith. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches what God can do through your life when you fully trust him.

June 10, 2024

Developing Trust — Part 2

When you don’t trust God, it leads to worry, conflict, and the feeling you have to control everything. Only God is truly worthy of your trust! In this message, Pastor Rick continues to teach steps toward developing a greater trust in God.

June 7, 2024

Developing Trust — Part 1

When you trust anything or anyone other than God, you set yourself up for stressful living. The Bible makes it clear that those who make idols are disillusioned. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to develop a greater trust in God.

June 6, 2024

Accepting Responsibility — Part 2

God values who you are more than what you accomplish. Join Pastor Rick as he explains what it means to live with great character and teaches how the Bible can help you build it into your life.

June 5, 2024

Accepting Responsibility — Part 1

One day you “will give a personal account to God” of how you lived, and that’s why you want to live responsibly (Romans 14:12 NLT). Join Pastor Rick as he teaches practical wisdom from God’s Word on how to become more responsible in all areas of your life.

June 4, 2024

Choosing My Standards — Part 2

The Bible says, “Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling” (Psalm 119:105 TLB). We desperately need a light to guide us through moral chaos. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches you how to make the Bible your standard as you build your life on its unchanging values.

June 3, 2024

Choosing My Standards — Part 1

What you value in life will define how you live. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to identify and claim eternal values so you can establish your life on a rock-solid foundation.

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May 31, 2024

Employing Your Experiences — Part 2

In this message, Pastor Rick explains why God wants you to build up, motivate, and inspire other people by sharing your experiences with them. you help take away their fears.

May 30, 2024

Employing Your Experiences — Part 1

By sharing your experiences, you can give people hope, help them overcome their fears, and help them break through barriers. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why God wants you to use your experiences to mentor others, and how you can do that.

May 29, 2024

The Purpose of Your Personality — Part 2

In this broadcast, Pastor Rick continues to explain what it means to be a talker, feeler, thinker, or doer in service to Christ. God expects every one of us to mature in all of these areas. But he also knows each one of us tends to lead in one area. The great news is that God is always right there with us, helping us to follow his instructions.

May 28, 2024

The Purpose of Your Personality — Part 1

Jesus said, “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (Mark 12:30 NLT). In this broadcast, Pastor Rick helps you identify if God shaped you to be a talker (heart), feeler (soul), thinker (mind), or doer (strength) in service to Christ.

May 27, 2024

Using Your Abilities — Part 2

In this broadcast, Pastor Rick walks through three ways you can use your abilities the way God intended. He created you and shaped you with unique abilities, and one day he’s going to ask you, “How did you use your abilities to honor me, to serve others, to make a living, and to be an example?”

May 24, 2024

Using Your Abilities — Part 1

Knowing what you’re good at will help reveal what God wants you to do with your life. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach how your SHAPE—your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences—points you in the right direction for how to be who God created you to be.

May 23, 2024

Following Your Heart — Part 2

Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the good news that God specializes in heart transplants. Learn about what God can do through a broken heart submitted to him. When you do what God wires you to do, your purpose in life will be fulfilled and you will bring glory to God.

May 22, 2024

Following Your Heart — Part 1

In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how you can make a difference in the world by placing your passions, desires, and dreams under God’s control so that you serve God through the way he has designed you.

May 21, 2024

Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts — Part 2

Join Pastor Rick as he helps you discover the specific mission God created you to fulfill, based upon your SHAPE. Your spiritual gifts are the equipment he gives you to do what he asks you to do. Learn how to develop your gifts and then use them to serve God and others.

May 20, 2024

Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts — Part 1

In this message, Pastor Rick explains the gifts God gives you when you become a believer. When you know who you are shaped to be, then you can start focusing on the things God created you to do.

May 17, 2024

Why God Shaped You the Way He Did — Part 3

Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach why God doesn’t compare you with anyone else. He created you to be uniquely you with a specific mission in life.

May 16, 2024

Why God Shaped You the Way He Did — Part 2

Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the importance of accepting the way God shaped you so you can be the person he created you to be and live out God’s purpose for your life.

May 15, 2024

Why God Shaped You the Way He Did — Part 1

God doesn’t expect you to be anyone else but you. Join Pastor Rick as he explains how God has given you the tools and temperament to succeed in your service to him.

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May 14, 2024

Daring to Go in Faith — Part 1

God prepared a generous banquet for all of us. It’s a party in heaven that’s going to continue for eternity, and he wants a full house! In this broadcast, Pastor Rick paints a picture of what it looks like to be a member of God’s family.

May 13, 2024

Daring to Wait on God — Part 3

When you’re in God’s waiting room, it’s important that you continue to pray and serve. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why God, in his love for you, will keep you waiting.

May 10, 2024

Daring to Wait on God — Part 2

When God has you in a waiting period, don’t put your life on hold. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches several things you can do, such as paying attention to what God is doing, acting on what you believe, and trusting God is working in your life.

May 9, 2024

Daring to Wait on God — Part 1

Some of the smallest lessons you learn during depressing and discouraging periods can lead to big successes in your life. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why it’s so important to focus on the lessons God is teaching you in the waiting periods of life.

May 8, 2024

Daring to Be Generous — Part 1

Influence doesn’t come from what you get in life. Influence comes from what you give away in life, and the more you give away, the more influential you’re going to be. Join Pastor Rick as he shares examples of how this has been true in his own life.

May 7, 2024

Daring to Commit — Part 2

May 6, 2024

Daring to Commit — Part 1

You’re probably not going to get your strength renewed by watching TV, but you can strengthen your faith by uniting with others in worship. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches two of the ways worship benefits you.

May 3, 2024

Daring to Plant in Faith — Part 2

Sometimes God will call you to make a sacrifice—through your money, time, or talent—and you may want to say, “I don’t feel like it.” Pastor Rick teaches in this message why it’s so important for you to plant by faith and not by your feelings.

May 2, 2024

Daring to Plant in Faith — Part 1

The first law of the harvest is this: Everything starts as a seed. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains what the seeds are in your life and why you need to work hard to plant seeds of trust, kindness, and encouragement in your relationships.

May 1, 2024

Daring to Give God My Best — Part 2

While you’re running the race of life, it’s easy to get sidelined, but Jesus wants you to make it to the finish line and win the prize. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches the three things you can learn from an athlete about being the best you can be.

April 30, 2024

Daring to Give God My Best — Part 1

The Bible says, “Do your best to improve your faith” (2 Peter 1:5 CEV). In this broadcast, Pastor Rick walks through three things you can learn from a soldier so you can give your best to God.

April 29, 2024

Daring to Imagine — Part 3

How do you know if you are living for your dream or God’s dream? In this message, Pastor Rick talks about why you need to ask God to give you his dream for your life so you can be part of his vast and eternal story.

April 26, 2024

Daring to Imagine — Part 2

Most people don’t imagine doing big things because they’re afraid of failure, and doubt and fear often neutralize what God wants to do in their lives. Pastor Rick explains in this message how to let your imagination be governed by faith, not fear.

April 25, 2024

Daring to Imagine — Part 1

The Bible says you need to focus on the things that will last—the things you can’t see with your eyes. So how do you focus on things you can’t see? In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches why your imagination is essential to living by faith.

April 24, 2024

Daring to Believe — Part 3

When you believe in Jesus Christ, you are guaranteed eternal life. Jesus’ resurrection changed everything! In this message, Pastor Rick walks through the three things the resurrection proved and how you can take advantage of the most important benefit of believing in Jesus.

April 23, 2024

Daring to Believe — Part 2

You cannot fulfill your purpose in life without being plugged into God’s power. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how to get God’s strength for your life so you’re not worn out all the time.

April 22, 2024

Daring to Believe — Part 1

Today so many people are confused about who they are and why they’re here because they’re looking in the wrong places. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick shares the one thing that will help you know what your purpose in life is.

April 19, 2024

How to Get Ready for a Miracle — Part 1

God is not sweating your unsolvable problem. He knows the solution to your problem before you even recognize it’s a problem! Pastor Rick explains in this message why you need to give God whatever you have—your “five loaves and two fish”—even if you don’t think it amounts to much.

April 18, 2024

What Happens When You Have Faith — Part 2

Faith doesn’t always take you out of the problem. But faith always takes you through the problem! In this message, Pastor Rick explains why resilience is one of the most important characteristics you need in life and how it’s connected to your faith.

April 17, 2024

What Happens When You Have Faith — Part 1

If you study the Bible and history, you find that every time God moves on earth and does a miracle, it’s because somebody believed. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains how your faith can move mountains and open the door to miracles in your life.

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April 16, 2024

What to Remember When Things Don’t Go Your Way — Part 3

This life is not all there is. And when life isn’t going the way you planned or wanted, you need to focus on the things that will last for eternity. Pastor Rick continues to teach in this broadcast what to do when things don’t go your way and how Jonah shows us that the greatest use of our lives is to invest in what can never lose.

April 15, 2024

What to Remember When Things Don’t Go Your Way — Part 2

What’s so great about God’s goodness? Just look at Jonah, who ran from God and rejected his mission and thought he knew better—and God still showed his goodness to Jonah and brought him back into his good plan. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick helps you understand why you can rest and trust in God’s goodness when things seem out of control.

April 12, 2024

What to Remember When Things Don’t Go Your Way — Part 1

God sees the big picture—the past, present, and future all at the same time—and that should be a great comfort as you pursue God’s mission for your life. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he teaches how to trust God when things don’t go your way instead of clinging to your limited understanding.

April 11, 2024

What to Do When You Get a Second Chance — Part 3

Warning, warning! Those words may get your heart racing, but when God gives you a warning, it’s a good sign! It means he still trusts you with your life mission. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why it’s critical to obey God right away when he gives you a second chance and how God wants to use you, no matter who you are or what you’ve done.

April 10, 2024

What to Do When You Get a Second Chance — Part 2

We know that God’s plan is always the better way to go—and we still choose our own way sometimes. But no matter how your circumstances have changed since you stopped following God’s plan, your life mission never changes. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he looks at Jonah’s example of returning to the mission God created us to complete.

April 9, 2024

What to Do When You Get a Second Chance — Part 1

Do you ever wish you could get another chance at something? When God gives you a second chance to get on track with your mission, you need to respond with gratitude and obedience. Pastor Rick shares in this broadcast why you need to use your second chance to make God’s mission the top priority in your life.

April 8, 2024

What to Do When It Feels Hopeless — Part 3

God always responds to faith. When you look at the life of Jonah, it’s amazing to see what God did through him when he finally decided to submit to God’s plan, even though he didn’t understand it. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast about what to do when you feel hopeless and why you need to take a step a faith and thank God in advance for what he will do through you.

April 5, 2024

What to Do When It Feels Hopeless — Part 2

Do you ever want to just cry out to God and tell him how hard life is? God wants to hear it! He wants you to look to him and tell him how you’re struggling while you’re pursuing your mission. Pastor Rick helps you understand in this broadcast how God cares about your pain and is ready to restore your hope.

April 4, 2024

What to Do When It Feels Hopeless — Part 1

When you feel hopeless, it’s easy to focus on your circumstances. That’s when you need to remember this: No matter what is changing around you, you can always count on God’s unchanging goodness and faithfulness. Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach a biblical response to feelings of hopelessness so you can continue in your mission.

April 3, 2024

What to Do When You Cause a Storm — Part 3

Jonah didn’t want to follow God’s mission for him and go on a long journey to preach to Israel’s enemies. But Jonah also found out that the longer you run from your mission, the worse the storm is going to get. Join Pastor Rick for this broadcast as he shows you how to stop running from God and accept and follow God’s mission for you.

April 2, 2024

What to Do When You Cause a Storm — Part 2

When you run from God’s mission for your life, there will always be consequences. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick continues to look at the book of Jonah and shows you why, even though your life mission may be scary at first, it is always better to take a step of faith and follow God’s plan.

April 1, 2024

What to Do When You Cause a Storm — Part 1

If you want to know God’s mission, then you have to get in the Bible. Pastor Rick teaches in this broadcast why you need God’s wisdom when you face the storms that come with your mission. You’ll learn the ways God speaks to you to reveal his mission for you and keep you on the right path in the middle of the storm.

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March 29, 2024

The Mystery of God’s Plan – Part 3

In today’s message, Pastor Rick teaches about the crucial role Jesus plays in fixing the broken bond between God and us. Learn why Jesus needed to step in and make amends for our mistakes, setting the stage for a new beginning. Learn how you can always live in peace for the present and rest in hope for the future!

March 28, 2024

The Mystery of God’s Plan – Part 2

Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how the sinful choices made by humans have devastated the world and been disastrous in our lives. When we mishandle the gifts God has given us, there will always be consequences. Learn about God’s plan for our redemption.

March 27, 2024

The Mystery of God’s Plan – Part 1

Are you ready to uncover the mystery of God’s plan? Pastor Rick digs deep into the reasons the world is in such chaos, and then he reveals the heart of God and his endless love. The great mystery of God’s redemptive, eternal plan applies directly to your life, both now and in the future.

March 26, 2024

How the Resurrection Changed Everything – Part 2

The cross and the resurrection prove God’s power over death so you no longer need to fear it. In this episode, Pastor Rick explains how the resurrection frees you to live with purpose and faith, knowing that when you die, you’ll live forever in heaven because of your faith in Jesus Christ and his resurrection.

March 25, 2024

How the Resurrection Changed Everything – Part 1

But God never intended for you to live life that way. That’s why he sent Jesus—to give you forgiveness for your sins so you can live free, letting go of the sin and guilt from your past that weigh you down. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how the power of the resurrection transforms your life.